Well im writing a short story for my fantasy world called Terra. The short story is about a capital that gets destroyed and the whole kingdom falls with it. I hope it's not ripping of The Fall of Gondolin by Tolkien. It's not dealing with Elves and Orcs, but with entirely different species..
Terra means land I hope you know . This is its own genre, it can not be a "rip off". You are simply writing a political thriller in a fantasy setting.
Yeah, its hard to rip off entire ideas. I'm sure there are other books in which similar events happen too, also, I'm sure your writing style is different as well. Therefore it may be portrayed in very different ways
I know it means "land" in Latin . It just fit with the world i created. I was just making sure it didn't seemed too-much like Tolkien, i try my best to make sure everything is orginal and fresh. I onced named a Charcter Morgoth, then i looked it up and Sauron's nickname was Morgoth :redface: So i made sure i changed it. and This short story has to do with a charcter and he has somewhat to do with it.
Yeah, ive been looking up villian cliches and stuff and making sure it's different as possible. I also looked up ones for the Hero's too. I make sure my charcter aren't cliche. When i make my races's history im going to make sure it isn't like Industrial Japan or European type of civilization. (Armour will kinda be like European knights but with a more detailed and colorful design. ) And that everything evolves, and works like a real believable world.
The fact that you've created your own species rather than ripping off of Tolkeinesque elves and orcs already puts you leagues ahead of other beginning fantasy writers. As others have said, you have no reason to worry.
Sounds like a perfectly good story concept to me. It's how you write it. If you're looking to learn how to avoid cliches I strongly recommend reading Tvtropes.
Great idea, but there is a sci-fi show on BBC called Terra Nova. I don't know if that would want to make you want to change the town name, I don't know how serious you are at publishing this story...Just a thought! Good luck!
Terra is a pretty standard name for worlds and stuff. I don't think him naming his world Terra would be a problem.
I knew what it meant when i named my world Terra, it just blended in. It was simple and innovative. But thanks to all for the constructive comments.
Hm, yes, I would be inclined to think of something else for the name. 'Terra' to me, has been done one to many times. I've heard of it in many different places. Lots of people use it to describe their version of Earth.
You can't copyright a name a name or short phrase anyway, Latin phrase or not. Trademark protection is possible though.