I'm about 100 pages into The Golden Notebook, by Doris Lessing. I was really excited to read it, because it's supposed to be amazing and one of those change-your-way-of-looking-at-the-world books. But... I can't really get into it. Maybe it just doesn't jive with me, maybe I'm in the wrong mood, maybe I'm spending too much time in The Review Room, because all I can see are the mistakes. Has anybody read it and did you love it or hate it?
I haven't read it but my mom did and she liked it. I've also heard good things about it from critics. But I'll have to add it to my [long] list of books I want to read over the summer. Also, what do you mean when you say you see a lot of mistakes?
It sounds silly, but I end up going through it as though I were critiquing a short story someone wrote, or something. I keep seeing things I wish were written differently, or that I feel could have been expressed better. It's driving me nuts! However, in the last 100 or so pages the book has gotten better, which pleases me.
I sometimes do that as well. I do occasionally find things I would have changed here and there, but it's hard to imagine making those changes without changing the writer's voice and style.