Right now, I'm working on my first full-length novel called "The Heaven Theory". It focuses on a teenage girl named Kelsey, who is killed in a car wreck during a family vacation. She is then taken to heaven, where it is learned that for years heaven and hell have been tipping at the scales, so to speak. Neither has been evenly balanced with the others in terms of power for over 100 years. As is expected, Kelsey tries to balance thing out. The thing is - I'm debating weither to have her fail or succeed. In my original plans, the idea was to have her fail, but have God grant her a chance to do her life over for trying. The alternative ending is that she succeeds, but is stuck holding the balance for all of eternity. A bittersweet ending, yes, but I hate books that have everything work out in the end. So, tell me what you think on this so that I can get on with the story!
Either of these endings could work. I like seeing the main character actually fail as long as its done intelligently, but a Pyhrric victory is fun to. I'd recommend write down a nice long plot line of her succeeding. Then carefully go over it find each place she could fail. From those possible fail points pick the one you think is most likely and you like the best. Write out a new plot line from from there showing her fail. Start writing the story until you reach that key area. Reread your work and decide based on what she's done so far, if she deserves to 'win'. I'm not sure how you plot your writing, so this could be absolutely useless. But it's the way I usually work. Good luck.
You jerk, you ripped off my novel. With, uh, psychic powers or something. Yeah. Sounds good. Of course, I'd say that, because this is like a carbon copy of my story. Oh, and I like the second ending.