All aboard the Paegan Express! Have your tickets ready to be punched by the conductor, peanuts and beers are free, and conversation is encouraged. Sit back, relax, and enjoy the ride...oh, and try not to fall through the toilet onto the tracks, okay? It happens more times than we'd care to admit.
Name: Katarina Illenya Titles: “The Golden Huntress” “Rapacious Wench” “Poisonous Worm” Race: Human. Occupation: Rogue Appearance: Fair skin, with a slight build. Features look soft and subtle, but there is an underlying strength in muscle hidden beneath the air of weakness. She wears a medium sized, deep purple dress with an elaborate inlay of black, floral designs. It is of a clearly high expense, reserved only for noble women. She wears it in a few sizes large to hide the thinned layer of blackened leather armor beneath. It is lightened in weight, yet extremely hardened through a longer tanning process. Her hair is of a darkened brown, with flashes of amber only able to be seen with the proper angle of the sun. Her hair is kept medium length with curls held by a ribbon in the back. A black collar is around her neck with a flower cut amethyst socketed at the front. Eyes of grey hazel. The expression of innocence held on her face at rest. Black gloves are always seen on her hands. Magick Spells: None Fighting Style: Street fighting, drunken boxing, krav maga, stealth Weapons/Tech/Equipment: couple vials of poison, four burnt metal blades that don't shine, a single shot pistol Short Bio: Katarina grew up in a house of five terrors for brothers and a ever-present lawman for a father. With constant assaults at home, she learned hand-to-hand fighting at an early age and took a special interest in it. As she grew older, she took positions as a guard for noble families at their homes, in an effort to follow her father's footsteps. But as she grew to know and associate with high born families, she grew covetous of their wealth and style. She stole frequently. Many heads of families knew, but kept her as a trophy, a female guard to be used and abused when desired. When one finally took advantage of this, and threw her out of the home immediately after, she learned two things. One: she hated anyone of more wealth than herself. And second: that real enforcement of laws didn't really exist. When the peasant uprising occurred, she let them in on one condition: the amethyst collar upstairs. She wears it almost daily. Katarina has been a rogue for hire ever since, growing in cruelty and covetous with every act she performs. She has no love for magic, since she herself holds none. Katarina is paid to be on that train and make it to the final stop.
Katarina Illenya is APPROVED. Tell me how I knew you would pick a Rogue lol, must've picked up on your vibe. You can post whenever you like!
Katarina already sounds badass. Working on my own character template, might have to finish it after work.
Thanks guys. I'm fairly excited to try out a nuetral evil character. My introductory post is going to take a few days, so dont think I'm not participating. Full time work and full time school are rough at times. 16 hour work day yesterday haha.
I getcha, I start college this summer and I feel tired just thinking about it. But it should also be fun because my new college has its own movie theatre.
Name: Fallow Fields Titles: The Useless Wizard Race: Human Occupation: Hedge Appearance: A normal looking 20 year old boy, average height, suntanned, messy brown hair, usually wears earth-toned clothes and his favorite brown cloak, brown leather shoes are wellworn from many travels. Magick Spells: 1. Protective Spell - Angel Dove, causes a dove made of magic to appear as a decoy for danger. 2. Elemental Spell - Sparkfire, flames shoot from fingers. Fighting Style: Scrapping, aka throwing wild punches and kicks and hoping they hit something. Weapons/Tech/Equipment: Satchel full of nuts, berries, dried meats, edible roots, and a bundle of healing herbs. Short Bio: Born and raised in a remote farm settlement, Fallow had never heard of magick or even met a wizard or witch. That changed when, one day in the barn, he waved his hand to swat at a horsefly and a magickal dove appeared out of thin air and ate the insect for him. Papa Fields and Mama Fields were so surprised and excited to find out their youngest boy was a sorcerer that they gave him everything he needed to go out into the world and find a wizard teacher and succeed, everything from a fine horse to a bulging clothbag that held every single coin from their lifesaving. They loved him and sent him off with a big celebration, with all the neighbors invited. Little did they know that Fallow was only a hedge. He found a teacher alright, right in the next village, a well-established witch that took one look at him and laughed in his face, saying he barely had enough magick to make a dog bark. She agreed to teach him for half of his coins and then kicked him out of her house a couple weeks later once he had learned all that he could. Poor Fallow tried to make a name for himself, offering his services for free, but he only gained the nickname "Useless Wizard" because he couldn't do anything they thought was worthwhile, like making people fall in love or turning things to gold. Eventually, Fallow ran out of coins and was evicted from the hotel he was staying at. He was forced to trade his family's finest horse for profit and had a decision to make: go home on the Paegan Express, or make one last desperate attempt to get a nice job elsewhere. He heard the Royal Election was coming up from reading a newspaper out of the trash and decided to go to Avereon to vote by way of the train, and hopefully get hired by a moneybag that'll pay him big bucks to clean their mansion, that way he won't feel so ashamed for letting his family down and will at least be able to pay them back for everything they loaned him.
Name: Joseph Alexander Lockridge Titles: Shame of the Lockridge Family, Heir to the Lockridge Family Race: Human Occupation: Sorcerer Appearance: Joseph is a youthful looking human, looking to be in his late teens or early twenties. He has long brown hair that goes down to his shoulders, it curls slightly at the ends, and has brown eyes. His skin is quite pale and he has a thin build. He stands at 6'1. Normally he wears black leggings, brown boots, a black suit jacket with gold trim, a white undershirt beneath, and a cravat with a golden pin of a snarling wolf in the center. Magick Spells: 1. Crystal Barrier - A large almost transparent crystal appears before the caster, blocking both magical and physical attacks. 2. Crystal Cascade - Small diamond shaped ice projectiles appear around the caster and fly at the enemy at rapid speeds. Weapons/Tech/Equipment: A black leather bound book. Short Bio: Joseph is the heir to the Lockridge family. A noble family that has had a long line of powerful wizards and druids in their bloodline, a family known for their magic. Being the oldest of his siblings, Joseph is the rightful heir to the Lockridge family, much to the chagrin of his parents and siblings. This is because Joseph has only recently come into his own magic, and even then, it does not appear that he has much talent in the mystical arts. His siblings learned much younger and are much more adept in magic than he is. He suspects that the reason that he's been the one sent on this ride to the capital was simply so then they would not have to travel with the embarrassment of their family. Though his lack of magical prowess has been kept under wraps and he has hardly ever had the ability to travel out of his home due to 'sickness', according to his family at least, so he wasn't going to turn down the chance of traveling the country.
Do you think you could pick just one character? I've found that in the past it can get confusing when one character plays multiple roles. As soon as you edit your template I would happily approve.
Quick question. How long ago was the peasant uprising? I ask because it really affects the age of my character. If it's at most 20 years ago (hopefully less), then I'll be okay. Otherwise, I can see a logical fallacy on my end blooming. Long question. What does the inside of the train look like? I can't really post until I have an idea of what you want the interior layout to be. I may have missed this in the description.
I realised belatedly that I forgot to put times lol. The peasant uprising is 25 years ago. The train is a luxury train so plush seats, plenty of room to stretch, electric lights, and big wide windows with curtains. The compartment we are in now is the passenger compartment, with thirty seats for lounging and sleeping in and 2 bathrooms (complete with a shower) at each end. In front of it is the kitchen and beyond that is the engine room where Gregard drives and Mance works. Behind the passenger area is a dining room, then a movie compartment with long couches and a projector screen, and finally the luggage compartment. Hope that's helpful. Also, @mmarage your template is perfect, APPROVED. Post whenever you like.
Only one passenger car? Small train. Oh, and @Bewitched , your character doesn't know her name. And she certainly will not be giving it out. If he asks, he will get another name. As you'll come to see, she has done enough misdeeds to be known. I didnt have her introduce herself in purpose.
Yeah, I was thinking since trains are relatively new it wouldn't be mega huge. I'll post again tomorrow, my internet has been cutting off randomly but a guy is coming to fix it.
My Wi-Fi was fixed, yay. I'll be spending the day at the beach and checking in on my phone every so often.
Lol, I even bought a cocktail from a seafront bar, but it was so packed with people that I drank it and left. The beach had way more space.
Gotcha lol. I'll post later on today, my grandpa randomly called me and said he needed help setting up his computer. I have no idea how long that'll take. Pray for me.
It was quicker than I thought lol. I finally posted, hope I didn't take too long. What do you guys think of the X-Rogue, or Axe-Rogue lol.
The name X-Rogue reminds me of Rogue from X-Men. I like it. So how do you guys design your roleplay character? I based Fallow on my own upbringing and in an attempt to explore playing a less powerful, but resourceful character. Edit: Currently finishing post, for some reason I have writers block.