Fact I am Batman Fact Torana isn't. Well we had one before so here we are again The Raven and Torana Show returns to a forum near you. Don't mind the girl with the green name she just thinks anvils in Austrailia are like Boomerangs and pinches cookies and whips anyone
No you are the one that thinks anvils are boomerangs you foo! And I am catwoman so and by the way batmobile is at the bottom of the ocean full of cement now!
Yeah till you let me near it you fool now it kind of is in a million pieces cause I let it fall of the cliff! so hahahahahaha
Is now a good time to say I forged your signature on the payments. Oooops. Well At least it didn't cost ME a penny lol Now I'm thinking a boat.
Well what you didn't know was I maxed all your accounts to go shopping earlier on and now you are bankrupt and I have everything and all you have is a cardboard box
hahahahaha you crack me up cause I had forged all of mine into your name so we have been on a very nasty cycle of destroying each other financially