*The Skin-Deep Thread!* A place to share tips and tricks, ask questions, post how-to's, review products, and give advice on anything from makeup to hair to clothing to anything else for any occasion. Because I've noticed that too many of us are oozing girliness onto other threads, and many of us have cited 'makeup' as a hobby, indulgence, and / or guilty pleasure. *** I guess I'll start off with a question. Ever since I started wearing makeup, I preferred to emphasize my eyes because my skin at the time was a disasterpiece and I didnt like my lips. I still have this preference, but ever since I started wearing my glasses instead of contacts this year, my eye-art takes a backseat. I dont like the way I look without my glasses; my face looks rounder, and I dont like that, but with my glasses on I cant very well emphasize my eyes. Lately, I've only been applying mascara, if that, because even I hardly notice any 'work' I do on my face with my glasses on. Although my wallet is thankful, my heart harbors sadness. Any ideas?
Yaay makeup makeup makeup! What i'd suggest mercy is maybe not bothering with eyeliner (because the frames will just distract/hide them), but trying out some vibrant eyeshadows, and blending different colours. You can actually buy these sticker-things in the shape of your eyelids that actually have the eyeshadow applied in a professional way already on them - so you just lay them on and peel them off, and hurrah! funky eyeshadow. I've never tried them but they look pretty cool - you can get all kinds of designs and colours. Anyway, the point is, whether you use subtle colours or vibrant designs, I think it'd make your eyes look brilliant even with your glasses (Ohh! you should buy some of the new trendy thick-framed glasses...in different colours...MATCHING! *goes wild*). Also, using eyeshadow without eyeliner always seems to look best IMO, otherwise it looks over-worked. Hope my suggetion helps loveh. x
I have only worn make-up once in my life, and it was for our performance a few weeks back. At the closest, I was stood two metres from the full-barrel stage lights. I had to wear foundation to stop me sweating. I looked good.
LOL, Xeno; I wasnt expecting you to reply! Stage makeup is really interesting, actually, and a lot different than day-to-day wear; at least the kind I've been subject to wear (little known fact about Merc: She used to act. Terrible performances plagued Indiana) were very heavy and in normal light make you look clownish. I would have loved to have seen that. You can really bake quickly in those lights though. Emily, I guess makeup isnt for everyone; I enjoy it. Like tattooing, I honestly see it as an art form --especially the performance makeup, but day-to-day products as well-- and a way to experiment with changing the human body up. I like using it enhance certain features and downplaying others. And sometimes, I just wake up and think to myself, "I think I'll be someone else today." But if you're outside all day with your horses and pups, etc; it's probably not practical anyway. I remember when I was so infatuated with makeup that I would wear it riding... (Do not attempt. ) Ash, You have killed me! I am so attached to my liner. But you're right; it hasnt had much use lately since I started wearing my glasses more often. I -should- experiment more with shadows though, real bright ones; but I need occasions to wear them to! I dont often go out to parties but maybe once a month or even more infrequently because I dont see the fun in it. (Most parties in my area = drugs, which doesnt interest me.) I'm googling your description of the professional peel-on-peel-off shadows, and I think I've found it, but it's just a blog sans link! More research to do. I wonder... is there something I could do with blush or foundation or a skin-directed product that might narrow my face so I wouldnt have to wear my glasses? Or perhaps a haircut? ...I am getting my hair cut in the coming weeks. *ponders this and flees to Google*
Aww, that's a bummer! If you dont wear makeup because of that reason only (which I doubt; "loathe" has pretty strong implications), you should try brands that are specifically for sensitive skin. Physician's Formula is for sensitive skin and is also all-natural. I didnt like the brand much, because nothing matched my skin tone and I would have had to buy more to blend it properly, but it's a good option for many. Neutrogena also has skin-sensitive products, since it's essentially a skin-based company.
<-- Needs tips on how to keep long luxuriously curly envy-of-everyone-you-know hair from getting tangly.
Well, I have straight hair, but I do know that straight hair gets tangled more often than curly --though it's much more difficult to get rid of tangles in curly hair... Hmm. When I know my hair is going to be blown around, thus tangles, I almost always wear a hat, and depending on the length, sometimes I add a low ponytail to keep the bottom bits from tangling up, too. Conditioner usually makes hair a little sleeker, so if you dont use it, you should. I always use conditioner; if I dont my hair is a tangled mess. Try a wide-toothed de-tangling comb throughout the day. --No evidence there, but that advice popped up all over the Interweb when I googled "how to stop curly hair from tangling." Perhaps there's some merit to it? Also, as a universal thing, going to bed with wet hair is asking for tangles. I dunno how much help that's been since I dont actually have curly hair, but here's to my attempt!
All actors have to wear makeup at least some of the time, male or female. I've heard that certain kinds of lights can make people with very light skin look sick if they don't wear stage makeup.
I have a similar problem and I'm not sure if I resolved it or if I just got sick of it and covered it up. I keep my hair braided. Whenever it doesn't need to behave, it's in one or two french braids. I sleep with it braided. After a shower (with ample conditioner, as Mercurial said) I put detangler/anti-frizz/anti-poof ( I use that Sunsilk stuff, and it's okay) then braid it. I find that I can take the braid out and finger comb my hair and probably wouldn't get laughed at (for the hair anyways) if I ventured out in public. I also find that there is less breakage of my hair, so when I do want to wear it down, there aren't as many of those sticky-upy fly-away pain-in-the-behind hairs to deal with. Again, not sure if I just covered up the issue or what, but it's working alright for me... but it might not be a style you're into As for makeup... I can't say I have time for it, not to mention I've never learned how to put it on or the dos and don'ts of the art. It would be nice to be able to dress up my face along with the rest of me for very very formal occasions, but other than that... I dunno. Knowing me, once it was on my face I'd probably cry or rub my eyes or something and mess it all up and people wouldn't tell me because they'd all be laughing at my misfortune on the inside.
I don't know if this would help with your glasses situation, Merc, but I use an eye shadow primer that is glittery, so it brings out the colors in my eye shadow. I wear glasses, too, and I've never felt like they hid my eye makeup when I use the primer, so I don't know if that would help you. I'm not terribly skilled with makeup, so that just about taps me out as far as makeup tips go.
Mercurial, be careful when using shades of eyeshadow that are to colourful and bright. Sometimes it just makes people look like *sorry if this offends anyone* hookers on the corner waiting for a customer!! If you want your eyes to stand out, use something sparkly and avoid natural colours I guess. But at the same time, make sure you are using colours that compliment your skin tone, your eye colour, and don't be too out there. You want to look nice, not way over the top... just be careful with the colours and the way you apply them. It isn't really about the colour on your eyelids, but the effect it has on your face. I find browns make my eyes stand out more, where as when I wear blues, I think I look like an idiot. I used to have to wear glasses (and I am still meant to but lost them and just never went and got new ones cause I felt it was stealing from my children...) I still stuck to the brown shades, because it suited me, and found that it still had a very similar effect as before. Anyway, hope this has helped in some way. Don't go over board with eye make-up, it really isn't that neccessary.
lol, no worries, I didn't know how four months ago either. I was so sure that people who french braided their own hair had removable heads or something. It's fairly easy to learn, but your arms get really tired the first few attempts. I practiced on my horse (french braid the tail, running braid the mane), but a friend would work too, then gave it a go on me. It's not going to be pretty right away but every time you do it, it gets better and you get faster.
Hidden, I've never heard of primer before. What brand do you use? I'm going to check it out though; the shadows I use are quality colours but take a few layers to show up, and still dont show up too well. And, Tor, that did help. The hardest part for me is finding a good medium not over the top but noticeable too. I have dark brown eyes, so I definitely agree about the blues. The shade with my eyes comes off as clownish to me.
AS IFFFF I have just found this thread. I love love love looove makeup and hair and everything else pretty like this =D It sounds really bad but theres this girl at work & I would loooove to just steal her for a day & give her a make-over! Is that awful? I'd have so much fun doing it & she'd look really pretty afterwards She's pretty anyway, underneath her monobrow & school girl hairband. I sound like a biatch, but nm. Mercurial - I'd say use muted shades for your eyeshadow with glasses, something like a dark lilac, something which isn't too bright & 'hookerish' haha, but something which will still highlight them & make them noticable. Stuck at work so I can't play too much on this thread at the mo but I'm so happy this is here! Thanks Merc! Rach xxxxx
I use Too Faced primer. They also have eyeshadow duos, so you can combine the two colors, and I use those also. And honestly, the only reason I know about eye shadow primer is because I worked at a cosmetic store for a few months. Otherwise, I doubt I would even own any makeup.
Ah, I sees. We always used proper stage lights in my high school. Guess I was spoiled. Then again, having former professional actors who wanted something more consistent is pretty darn lucky too. Anyway, on topic. I can't stand makeup of any kind, except maybe a bit of eye shadow when I'm feeling funky. Stage makeup is the worst, though. The teachers in my school got the professional stuff for the drama show. When I saw that stuff, I was almost relieved they decided not to do the scene I would have been in.
i have dark brown eyes and i'm rather pale, but i've learned how to wear a lot of random colors on my eyes. blue eye shadow looks atrocious on me. frankly, it looks pretty bad on most people... blue-eyed ones can get away with it a little easier, but like someone said before me, it gets kinda hooker-y. however, i found i can wear electric blue eyeliner without any other color (just a lid-colored to erase the pinkness of my natural eyelid shade and some mascara) just a thin or medium thickness liner on the top lid gives it a pop without being over the top. i have a deep green i use too, but it's not as cool as the blue. i find that super-bright-eyeliner on lid only + mascara and nothing else works for almost everyone no matter what shade skin or eyes. it might not work for those without the lid fold (generally an asian thing) but it might, i don't know. i also find that muted purples look really good on brown eyes. i have a four-pack from covergirl or maybelline or something and on the back it shows you how to put it on and i follow that direction and it generally turns out successful. yay make-up discussion. maybe we can do some demos with pics and stuff how-tos and such ETA: question for those who use liquid eyeliners - HOW?!?! i can't for the life of me figure out how to put it on properly. how do you make it look so good? i just look like a kid who just learned how to draw and can't use straight lines yet...
I use liquid liner every now and then, but I used to use it a lot. --Only for my upper lids though, not my bottoms because I tend to blink away the liner before it can dry. It really just takes a little bit of practice, I guess; just like learning to draw? I hold the 'wand' (it seems so silly to call it that ) really delicately and far away from my lids so I just barely touch the surface and kind of dot it across my half-open/closed lid, and then connect the dots from there. I used it because it gave me a thinner and darker lines than my previous, pencil liners, but I found a pencil liner that's thin and dark like I prefer, so I switched back to pencils. I dont like liquid much. Best of luck; I hope that help in... some way.
I hate liquid eye liner. Even when I can get it to look decent, I hate the way it feels...and it makes my eyes sting.