I like this site. I've only been in it for possibly three hours, but I like the clean way it looks, the simplicity of its use and I enjoy the ideas are presented here and how they're given. However, I would like to see competitions take place. Is there any current thoughts or planning on writing competitions? Is there any way that a real trophy could be won -- something that can be shown or put on a resume? I'm sure I'm not the only person who's inquired about this topic, but I still say it would be a rather interesting way to get the creative juices flowing.
I think this forum's only been running for a few months, so Lpspider and co. might need a little time. Actually, it's only really grown in the past month or so, so maybe they were waiting for more members to join. Who knows. With time, there'll probably be a few contests running.
Well, if you want something with a little competition then try my site. Its fantasy only but I think its whats you want. Just note that its only just begun and if you want some real competition then Ill need help advertising. http://s10.invisionfree.com/wdhs
Really? This site has only been up for a short while? I typed down Writing Forum on a Google search and I found this at the top of the list. So -- I don't know what that means, but if that stays the same for a long period of time, then I'd have to say that this site is going to grow dramatically.
This time next year, just wait and see how far it has come. Yes I have seen competitions before and it could be fun, so long as the ezine has space too though.
A site competition is a great idea. Entrants could pay a small entry fee which collectively could form the prize. I like it. It's Lpspider's decision, ultimately, and I could see the sense in waiting until the sites a little busier. Also, we have the e-zine on the way, and being accepted for publication there will give some kudos.
Great thoughts guys. I would like to see some competitions as well. I was going to have one for Halloween - write a short horror story by the 31st and get a prize, but it's a little too late now, I think. When we do hold a competition it'll likely cost like a dollar or two to enter and the winner will get like a pool cash prize.
LpSpider, how would you like me to open up a site specifically made for competition? It would make sure these boards dont get any more cluttered and means that we can specialise the site any way we want.
Funny You say that thats exactly what I did and with it been the one at the top of the list I too clicked on for a look. As for Competitions well what about aiming at Christmas. Or aiming for new years eve. Gives a theme then. A story that revolves around Christmas if you set one up for Christmas or gives a theme for new years eve. Just a thought. You could do all kinds of themes. Like a some point do a comp based on Sci fi or Crime or fantasy. You get the gist. Just a thought. ~Raven.
Yeah, or we could make up our own Holiday...like Vulgar Day. Where there'd be a spitting, then a throwing of sometihng solid, then a fighting, and then of course a feasting to cap the Holiday off.
Yeah, haha. I joined when it was just starting, and there was only one or two people who looked at it each day. I came back to it today to find this, thriving. And yeah, I suppose a competitions section would be a good idea, but what do you man when you say "put it on your resume"? Would that really be appropriate?
^ good to hear you've found your way back Kirk! Anyway, I'm very open to ideas for the competition. I do want to keep it open though to all sorts of genres.
I would definitely be game to donating to support contests for our writers. How do you go about setting up donations to support the site? Is there already a way to do that for this site?
bicker - if anyone wants to host their own contest, feel free. joan - no official way for donations, but I do have a email that can accept paypal payments. Not necessarily needed though.