I had a cool idea involving two of my characters over the last few days, and I have decided to have a go at writing a screen play for a TV Show. Just for fun right now. Now I have known for several months that one will develop the ability to transport himself and others through space and time. I had thought my planet was based on Eternia (He-man) but I am discovering my avid watching of Dr Who has creeped in - there are more than a few touches of Galifrey in there I am looking for ideas about how to travel my guy and his companion through time and space, something visually impressive - he can turn into a swan but not sure if that helps.
Something involving black holes, perhaps? Be careful not to base your settings or characters too much off of a show you like (or movie, book, you name it). Some small amounts of inspiration is fine, but don't end up accidentally writing a rip-off, you know? If you want to have him transform into something, instead of using something like a swan, why don't you invent your own type of really cool alien and have him be able to turn into that? Hope I helped! --Mal
It can still totally look like a swan though, or be a swan if there's a good reason for him turning into a swan specifically, if you have your heart set on it. Does he use a machine for time/space travel? Or is it organically/spiritually/based around his abilities as an entity? Does reality shift and bend around him? Maybe the world falls out of focus for him and anyone he's taking with him, leaving the travelers disoriented? Or maybe its sudden, like blinking, you don't even notice the change, it's so sudden? Just my little brainstorm. Everyone does mechanical time travel, even The Doctor, I would love to read about someone who just existed in another frame of ...um... existing?
Well this is just where my thoughts have gone when I first posted the question lol: My planet is the heart of the universe, the energy systems that control space and time all originate with the planet and flow back to it. It works like a heart with veins and arteries, I am inclined to have him somehow use the veins and arteries by way of transport, using them to conduct himself like electrical energy. Still not sure lol I am supposed to be focusing on my final two paragraphs of my first novel instead I have mapped out 4 other novels and a TV show. It's not really that close to Dr Who, I just love the idea of coming up with a fantasy scifi that is so good it worked in 1963 and is still working in 2010. Any other ideas welcome though.
It works like a heart with veins and arteries That sounds a bit like the notion of wormholes, but the metaphor of the universe as a living thing is interesting. If you were looking for something unique I think you're close.
My planet is where all life in the universe was created then was sent to where it was needed through the system of veins and arteries. The Island where I have set it is like the internal organs of the universe. The character that is becoming the main character in my books is The Conductor of the powers that flow to and from the Island that is the fixed point in space and time. I like the idea of doing like Kathy Reichs did with Bones and take the character out of her book and change everything else. I'd keep more but eww its early days. His partner is head of the secret service. I like the idea of them going on missions together round the universe. There is a particular practice that done right keeps the universe in balance that done wrong the flow gets clogged. Think I am stuck with the Swan though its part of how people know he is the conductor. Thanks for the wormholes that is a great idea I have been looking for a better name for my veins and arteries I have something called pink holes in my book lol maybe I can change them a bit to pink something else hmmm.
Time travel is a concept that is governed by strict scientific parameters in the realm of science-fiction writing. Be sure you do volumes of research into time displacement theory and current science-fiction interpretations before you start!
Thats why mine is a fantasy rather than Sci Fi I have a science background I studied particle physics at degree level. Part of it is I want it to be more visual and fun than scientific. Kind of like Numb3rs the story is great if you ignore the maths or Bonekickers with the archaeology. I will include some science but not at the expense of the visual effect or story.
lol no but there is a potential for a little black cabin boat. But I don't think it is bigger on the inside. Seriously though who wouldn't want to write something as enduring as Dr Who
Many authors have written fanfic about the good Doctor. Have you considered trying your own hand at it?
I am not a huge go to convention type fan not knowledgable enough to write good fanfic not to mention my Dr is very much Sylvester McCoy - he's not the most popular choice. I do think it has to be one of the most amazing shows, I have watched Dr Who since Peter Davidson, and I am still terrified of Bertie Bassett after the Kandy Man No coming up with my own idea, only things mine have in common are my character is old, alone and his planet is a fixed point in space and time (Captain Jack in the Dr Who series). He can also travel through space and time. What I want to do is take my character from my novel and place him say a hundred years in the future. Only one or two of my other characters should still be alive. My own characters have enough story potential to keep me writing well past my death date lol
Indeed, being the old geezer that I am, my Doctor(s) were Jon Pertwee and Tom Baker, waaaaaaaay back in the day. However, I've grown quite fond of this new Dr. Who series. Excellent special effects and quality story lines. Do you fancy high technology or magic as a means for your characters to engage in time/space travel?
So, although the Dr. Who ref is a lol, it does bring up a good point... Time travel in particular can come in such a broad array of colors and flavors specifically because it seems (I said seems, not is) such an impossibility. In Dr. Who, the manner is a blue Police call box, bigger on the inside than on the outside. In Storm Constantine's Wraeththu series, such journeys are made on the back of creatures which appear to be horses, but are actually angels in disguise capable of crossing lines of time, space, planes of existence, and other esoteric categories for which man has no name for lack of a frame of reference. In the movie, The Time Traveler's Wife, they never even bother to explain it all. He just goes, willy-nilly. Notice that each of those takes on the subject correspond correctly to the tone and flavor that that writer was looking for. Dr. Who is a bit campy and silly-on-purpose at times, so the idea of a police call box, unexpected and somewhat absurd, fits. Storm Constantine's books always feature strangely twisted refs to Catholicism and thus her angelic horses. The movie I mention is more of a metaphysical trip, so the actual method is of no importance, just the effect and the concept of what a life is actually made of. So.... look at the rest of your story and decide which is the "flavor" that best fits the needs of the story.
Struggling with new one his assistant makes me want to commit acts of violence. I loved Paul McGann, David Tennant, Christopher Eccleston but I don't think anyone quite replaces the Dr you have at just the right age. Have had an interesting one with my daughter recently I showed her Billie Pipers music videos so now she has decided as Rose is real so is the Dr This is my dilemma - within my story I have the option of science, pseudo science (scientific laws produced for my story and location) and magic. I have a scientist who works a bit like Q in James Bond, he could easily be made immortal. There is a substance called jing ore that works as the heart of the universe, it is versatile and mysterious produces electricity, weapons, can be made into boats etc And I have magic, the character I want to take out of the stories is the conductor of all the powers in the universe he can conduct the earth, fire, wind and water elements like an orchestra. I have the stories it is the physical getting him about I am stumped with - unless I do use the boat from the stories somehow (it is made entirely of jing ore but is a bit tardis like before it got stuck as it can change it's appearance). The magic is also connected to a religion - I wonder OK do you reckon using a swan or his boat sounds better? I can't decide if I like them or they are both a bit naff.
Anyway have got it, rereading one of my books I had forgotten a scene involving a Grandfather clock. I think I am going to use it for my time and space travel. lol na I am not Scots just live here and love the culture I just love Sylvester McCoy he also did something called I think What's the Story another children's show. Plus at 13 Ace was the first Dr Who girl that seemed to do more than run and scream.
Here's a visual: The main character picks up a clock or other kind of gearwork from his pocket. He starts pushing a dial or lever, and around him, the world starts moving backwards at a fast pace. Another visual: The main character starts the time travelling process, and it looks like the camera is zooming out of the room - much further than it can physically do. When the room has become a small dot in a field of greyness, the camera zooms in again, in the new time. A third visual: The main character starts the time travelling process, and the sound of a fierce wind drowns out all normal sounds. One by one, objects around him are whisked away into the distance. Finally the walls of the room disappear, revealing a field of grayness. Then the process is reversed: Objects come flying in from a distance at breakneck speeds, instantly coming to rest in their proper places, until the traveller is back in normal space and sound is restored.
I am liking your first idea, I can incorporate my Q type character and maybe some kind of key - thanks Islander I think I am going to run with it. OK got it I am going to get a small hidden chapel to transport him using the grandfather clock lol Now just need to work out what to do by way of companion.