Hello all. trying to write a how to book for my field of labor (Mechanic). Unfortunately can't type worth a flip. Would LOVE!!! to speak into my iphone 4 while going over steps of troubleshooting various problems and have it converted to usable text that i could save / edit. Does anyone have any experience / suggestions / comments on what's available as an app or otherwise do the task as i described? Is this technology even developed enough to use in this way?
I work for the USDOJ District of Puerto Rico as an interpreter and translator. I also do tons of transcription work for them that I then translate into English. I use two different pieces of software. One is called F5 (F4 if you're on a Windows machine), and the other is called Expresscribe. They both have their strengths and weaknesses, which is why I use both. I use a USB connected pedal made by Infinity. Those usually run around $50 - $70 USD. If you're going to be transcribing, you absolutely want a pedal. Trust me on this. Any decent in-the-ear or over-the-ear headphones will do.
thanks for your response, but i'm looking for something more along the lines of voice recorder or dictation apps for the phone itself. That way i could physically go through the troubleshooting process while recording and have the recording transcribed as i went, or at a later time. I assume this would be like recording a live classroom lecture and review / edit at a later time.
Ah, understood. I don't have much to offer on that end of things. I'm the guy you give the recording to for transcription.
yes, 'dragon' is the only system I know of that can turn your spoken words into text on your computer...