1) What does being true to one self actually mean? and 2) Is it easy or difficult to achieve one's truthfulness/authencity to one's self? I was thinking of bridging this thought with someone somewhere who said that 'we are born unique' Is there a link between UNIQUE and AUTHENTIC?
don't you mean 'explain'? 'elicit' wouldn't make sense in that context... it means to not be influenced by others, to follow only your own beliefs/feelings/instincts... i find it easy, but i think many [possibly most] find it difficult... what do you mean by 'bridging'?... or did you mean 'bringing up'? not really... 'unique' means there is only one, none other like it... and 'authentic' means 'genuine' or that there's nothing artificial or false about the thing or person... why don't you just look up the definitions of these words, instead of asking people here to do that for you?
Interesting. I understood it to mean to true to one self as in not to deceit or lie to one self. I mean finding a link. I know what both words mean but I was thinking in terms of this: Authentic means Original and Unique also means Original hence my question: is there a link?
Authentic doesn't mean original - it means it was made in the same manner as they were made originally - for example, a particular style of chair is built today using the same methods as it would have been built when it was first designed. So no, there still isn't a link.
*Bangs head on table.* These two definitions are different. Cacian, you can't just make up meanings to words that are not there. I've told you this three times now: Words have meaning for a reason.
This is an interesting question but it's too vague, can you elaborate on what you think it means to be true to oneself?
what I mean by true to oneself is tobe honest with one's thoughts and ideas. To be true to one self is to not to lie to yourself but face up to your own challenges and your own inner thoughts, not to pretend your insecurities and your doubts were not there.
I have showed you that both AUTHENTIC and UNIQUE mean ORIGINAL. au·then·tic Adjective: 1.Of undisputed origin; genuine: "authentic 14th-century furniture". 2.Made or done in the traditional or original way: "authentic Italian meals". u·nique Adjective: Being the only one of its kind; unlike anything else: "the situation was unique in modern politics"; "original and unique designs Synonyms:genuine - true - real - veritable - original These are definitions taken from GOOGLe. check if you do not believe me.
Those two definitions are different. Read them. Just because both definitions feature the word 'original' does not mean the two words mean the same thing. That's stupidity. That's like saying both Authentic and Unique mean the same as 'In' because that word occurs in both definitions too.
what do you mean? they both share or have original in common so that must make them more or less the same. authentic means the truest unique means one and only which implies the truest and since both share original then truest and one and only means original. normally for something to be original you have to have one then the rest are copies. In a work of Art you have only ONE original which makes it unique and authentic. Authenticity means only ONE. The rest are copies.
This does not mean that Authentic Italian pasta is the first Italian pasta ever made, but it's made in the same style as the famous Italian pasta. This is the second definition. The first definition means it is true 'Authentic 14th century furniture', meaning it is an actual piece of 14th century furniture, not the Original 14th century furniture. That doesn't make sense. Unique means 'one of a kind', the fact that the definition uses the word 'Original' is not what it really means, it's really more of a feature to help you clarify the meaning of the word and it's proper use in your head. For example, my girlfriend's guitar is unique because she painted a dragon on it and signed her name. Again, just because both definitions feature the word original does not mean both words mean original, because then the same could be said of the word 'in'. Look at how the word 'Original' is used.
1. Being true to oneself, in my opinion, is knowing yourself well enough that you can be completely honest with yourself. For example, I know myself well enough to realize that I'm a lazy person. Now, I can try to deny that part of me and essentially pretend not to be lazy, but I'll eventually fail because I'm not being honest about my true nature. Or, I could just accept this part of me, admit that I'm lazy, then try to improve myself (or use it to my advantage...in a productive way, that is). 2. The difficulty of achieving this lies in the intelligence and maturity of each individual person. My seven-year-old son blames others for things that are his own doing. For him, it's impossible to be honest with himself if he is not mature enough to accept responsibility for his own actions. It also depends on just what one is trying to be honest about. I may be honest with myself when it comes to my laziness, but am I truly honest with myself in other area's of my life? That's also why I try to surround myself with people who will answer me honestly. (If I ask my husband if these pants make my bum look big and they do, he will answer, yes...but always follow it with a compliment in another area, heh).
Cacian, many words have more than one meaning. While those meanings might have been related at one time, the word ends up having two meanings that are functionally unrelated. For example, the word "sanguine" means both "cheerful" and "bloody". I believe that the link came from a cheerful, flushed face, but the two words are functionally completely different. Therefore, you can't say "bloody" when you mean "cheerful", even though those two words are both linked with the word "sanguine". Similarly, "original" has more than one meaning. One of those meanings is related to "authentic". Another of those meanings is related to "unique". But the two meanings are completely different. Therefore, "original" does _not_ link "authentic" with "unique", any more than "sanguine" links "cheerful" with "bloody". If I were to define the two meanings of "original" _very_ briefly, I might define them as "new and different" versus "not faked". 1) New and different: "The artist's work is very original." This means that the artist's work is not like the work of other artists. His work is different. This is the meaning that you could link to unique, as in: "That artist has a unique style." 2) Not faked: "No, it's not a copy, it's the original." This means that, say, the Van Gogh hanging on the wall is not a poster or other kind of copy, but was actually painted by Van Gogh. This is the meaning that you could link to authentic, as in: "No, it's not a copy, it's an authentic Van Gogh." So there is a meaning of original that can be linked to authentic, and there is a meaning of original that can be linked to unique, but they are different meanings, and therefore they do not link authentic with unique.
I believe Cacian is a compulsive waffler and if he/she wants to be true to one's self, I believe he/she should admit that
1) Doing and being what you want to do and not having your behavior or actions influenced by expectations of others or expectations of yourself. 2) No, I think many people are insecure and worried that if they act as they are they won't be accepted by others. Some people aren't though, and I find those people a lot of fun to be around! I think most people are a little bit crazy or unique at heart, hell I know I am. So yes I would say there is a link between the two.
@ Cacian, It's also useful to know HOW to read a dictionary. Synonyms are words that are in the same group, but do not necessarily have the same meaning. Unique, Authentic, and Original all have different shades of meaning. If you're unable to grasp that concept, you will have severe difficulty writing English.
it is a bit like saying to come clean with one's self. The question is how does one achieve that because we all have insecurities and doubts and lots of us tend to run away from those intricate but very important feelings. @DanielRoseington I am not so sure this is true. Everyone has something not quite right within themselves.