I typically have been writing my spec scripts under the paradigm that act breaks = commercial breaks, but I realize now that may not have been a fair assumption. A lot of the reading material I have suggests that a lot of sitcoms are written as only 2 acts, which would therefor indicate only one commercial, and I don't believe that is the case. Does anyone with a good background in TV work know the definitive answer to this?
i mentor tv writers, among all other writing breeds and i don't know what scripts you've been reading that have only 2 'acts' but that can be misleading, as even a half-hour episode will have several commercial breaks, so what you've read might not have considered the teaser or 'conclusion' as 'acts'... hope this helps... feel free to email me for tips i have on writing for tv... love and hugs, maia maia3maia@hotmail.com