Just a random post. Ive got this thing, where i come up with wicked ideas for a story, and then i start writing it, i might get two pages in, and then on the end stick the rest of the idea in a paragraph so i remember it, but i never get back to it. I only really like writing introductions, the whole 'sudden introduction', setting the scene, making it exciting, but then i just get bored. Just wanted to know, is anyone the opposite? Only likes writing stories, but not the introductions? Would be good to know if your out there! Cheers
I find it's like a syndrome to be honest. A similar topic can be found here (and possible support for you ).
Hey.. Thanks Reading now, looks like exactly what i was intending to get out of this anyway.. Thanks again
I am pretty much the same as you. I do stick to my main novel but there are others that I work on,get fantastic wicked ideas and then get another one and write another story... I have a gazzilion stories that I havn't finished yet. So you are not alone at all!
Likewise ... you have just described exactly what I experienece when writing - you are not alone. I think getting 'bored' is synonomous with no longer knowing where to take a piece. I think is something is well conceived, researched and planned it has a higher liklihood of being completed satisfactarily but then again you might strike it lucky by just launching into something and seeing where it takes you, you wouldn't be the first.
aye, i am just the same. i write the introductions like a million times over and stop once i get to action. i hate that. like my English creative writing piece, i have re-wrote that about ten million times and still never gotten very far
I write the opening three chapters and then have an overwhelming deisre to skip straight to the end. The best way I found to beat it was to write an outline and then plan out a hoard of plot twists and events to keep the middle of the story interesting. Its worked well for me. I can actually finish a book now.
I tend to have the opposite theory of most of you, I find I quit because when I know the story, I get impatient to get to the end and stop when it takes to long. I don't have a problem with finding places to go, only taking the time to get there.
I sometimes hit on a brilliant idea start writing and get two or three segments (chapters) into what I write then abandon it and forget about it.
And then find it years down teh tracka dn get embarresed. I know I have definatly gone what on earth was I thinking?!?! I really should get back into my writing. I've put it aside due to so many changes happening in my life. So I will hopefully get back to workignon my novel, my inspiration is definatly building up!
Well once I finally finish my Rybock Story I must admit I will have little time to start something new so I think for a while I'll have to move away from my writing. I can't even find much time to spend writing the last bits of ryboks rat pack.
OOOh, can't wait to read it! But yeah, it's annoying when you want to write but can't either because of writers block or because Real Life butts in and you can't do jack with your story. Which sucks.
I need to work more on Blink. I also need to do a full rewrite on an older short story of mine called Dreamer.
It's what happens when you open and close your eyelids. Sometimes known as blinking. Sometimes, you only do it once because your stunnned so that's called a blink.
Blink is one of the ones in the Review Room. After some of the reviews, I discovered it needs to expand. A lot.
Hahahahhaha! I went over an old story a while ago and cracked meself laughing with my friend because I was so crap! LMAO. it was shameful what I had written and so lame!
I need to do a redraft of one of my novels somewhen... It'll probably have to wait until the summer, though.