Hello jinn_ku, Welcome to the Writing Forums. The best way to find something to say may be to explore the site a bit and get to know us, and what we have to offer. Even writers should read before plunging into writing . Many new joiners find it beneficial to take part in the discussion in the Lounge or to play in th eWord Games thread to get comfortable with the site. It is a great icebreaker. So welcome, and have fun!
=D We are getting a lot of new members. Fwee. Welcome! I know you'll enjoy it here, the members are fantastic and very supportive. Glad you could join our family. -shakes your hand-
I'm working on book two of a fantasy series, and I've started a couple stories that look like they'll fall into the supernatural thriller category. But I'm into pretty much everything, to some degree. So what do you write?
hiya and welcome to the site, it is wonderful to have you here with all of us. If you wuold like a review you need only pm a reviewer and we will be more than happy to help. ~Tor