In 1984 Kenneth Johnson stunned the television world with his enormously popular miniseries of alien invasion, V. The V novelisation was a bestseller. Now, to the delight of millions of fans and a new generation who have yet to discover the power of V, Johnson has written the exciting conclusion of his epic thriller. Suffering under the lash of the alien Visitors' control, the human underground have risked their lives for decades as they desperately try to find ways to thwart their reptilian overlords' dire plan. For while the Visitors claim to be Earth's friends, they instead seek only to exploit our planet's lifeblood-water-and slaughter all humankind.But now the Underground has hope, because our call for help, sent out to the stars long ago, has been answered by agents of another alien race. They have come to Earth, to aid the Underground in defeating the Visitors. But even as the humankind and our new allies work with the Underground to forestall the culmination of the Visitors' terrible plan, the question remains: Can our new alien friends really be trusted? Or will they help us to defeat one alien oppressor merely to become our new masters?The enormous success of the original miniseries and the long wait for a worthy sequel has created a vast audience that will flock to this exciting new thriller. This pulse-pounding novel will keep readers riveted as it rockets toward a stunning conclusion both satisfying and utterly unexpected.
Didn't the miniseries end with the resistance seeding the atmosphere with a virus lethal to the Visitors?
Yeah but the 19 part series went around that. And weakened the red dust from wind current. Some zones were lizard free but others weren't.