I absolutely love this series. I was wondering what you guys thought. I also was curious if there was any other series out there that's good. Thanks!
I was curious as to if that series was any good. There is always the Twilight series...if all else fails. also there's a series out...i can't remember the name right off hand. I think the first book is called city of bones....not sure Nicki
I heard about them, but didn't read them yet. There was the Twilight series that I liked a lot, the True Blood series, which are too many(haven't read any of them), and the book that Anne Rice wrote. I think it was called "Interview with a vampire", not sure tough.
Twilight is my least favorite. I'm not going to lie. However, it was the first series I started with and everything I read after seemed to be written much, much better. I really like the Vampire Academy series. You guys should read it. As for the True Blood series which is actually called the Sookie Stackhouse series or the Southern Vampire series, I have half of them and have not read them yet. I'm waiting for that series for summer, maybe. Unless I cannot find anything else to read. =] Thanks for the suggestions, though!
You think the Vampire Academy series is better than Twilight? May I ask in what ways? I'll have to check em out Nicki
The Immortal Instruments by Cassandra Clare. It's not strictly vampires though. The focus is more in demon-hunters. I might try reading The Vampire Academy books. I really have no interests in vampires though.
It is about vampires... However, it's completely different. There are two kinds of vampires (Moroi and Strigoi) The main character is a Dhampir (half Moroi half human) and she trains to become a Guardian to protect the Moroi from the Strigoi. It is wonderfully written and extremely engaging. You should definitely at least give it a chance. =] And to Nicki, yes, I think Vampire Academy is much better than Twilight. It is written better. The storyline is better. It's just an all around more interesting, better written vampire series. It's addicting and engaging and a page turner. I also think the Vampire Diaries is better than Twilight. (with the book and the movies/tv show) =] But, that is just my own opinion.
The Sookie Stackhouse series is good. I flew through them this summer, they are addicting. I've read the first in the Black Daggar Brotherhood books by JR Ward, and it was good, so I'm going to continue with those.
Thanks afinemess. I actually have half of the Sookie Stackhouse books and am going to start them soon. I hear they are good. And I will have to look into your other suggestion!
Why is the Vampire Academy better than Twilight? For one thing - Rose. Bella is a weak and rather pitiful protagonist, always needing to be rescued by her sparkly "knight". Rose is a strong and independent woman - quite capable of getting out of (and also into) her own problems. For another - the plot. Sure, there's some relationship angst, but that's running alongside a strong and compelling plot. These books are insanely addictive. Now is a good time to start reading them - you won't have to wait for the next to be released. However... <SPOILER ALERT!> "Last Sacrifice" (number 6) left me feeling a little disappointed. Aside from the fact that certain plot traits - Rose's psychic link to Lissa and the dream sequences felt like a rather cheap and cheating way of allowing the author to write in first person but to explain what else was going on. Also, a handy alternative to using the telephone (and less traceable). Certain bits were just too predictable and the ending didn't really feel like an ending at all - more like a beginning.