I went shopping the other day and discovered the "Writers" Magazine. http://www.writermag.com/. For a new writer and more seasoned ones, I would think there is a lot of good material in the pages to be had. Very impressed with some of the interviews; right on down to the 'how to manage your health.' section. Thought id share with ya'll who didn’t know that this snippet of white gold was in existence.
just don't take it all at face value... there are always bits of fool's gold in any panful of nuggets... not all you read there will be 'gospel'...
well no kidding Mamm, there were some things that were a good read. seeing how other writers live or tell us how they want us to see them live. =P
I'm aware of the mag, and have a few old copies back in my parent's house. It's good for a few pointers, and it can suggest things that you might not have thought of before. I guess I'm saying take it then leave it.