would you consider these three styles the same? I am trying to understand what a vignette/sketch/microfiction is to a short story. I am looking to try a story and would like any help on this. Thanks!
Now I am confused. I thought a sketch/vignette was a part of a short story that set up the storyline. It has been a long time since I took a creative writing course and obviously I need a refresher on the terms.
a vignette is akin to a 'scene' and doesn't need to have a clear beginning, middle, ending... a sketch is is a bit more, a term mostly used on stage and in stand-up comedy, usually with a beginning, a middle and a conclusion... flash fiction/microfiction is supposed to be a complete story told in under 500 words, though i doubt it succeeds often, or at all... a short story is a more fully fleshed out piece with a premise that is generally brought to some conclusion [but not always]... you could have gotten answers much more quickly by simply googling the terms or looking them up in an online dictionary or writing glossary...
I did look them up mamma..I was hoping for concrete examples like little snapshots of what they actually mean. thank you for helping.