I just looked up Walt Whitman and I was surprised by his resemblance to Gandalf the Grey in The Lord of the Rings: Is it just me or do they look the same to you guys too? ~Natalie
there is definitely a slight resemblance in the two. But then if it were a different image, it may not be so....If he had no facial hair he possibly wouldn't look like him at all.
You know, he could be Dumbledore... hey wait a minute! Gandalf Dumbledore. Am I the onyl one who sees it?
I have always thought that Gandalf and Dumbledore were very similar. In fact, Harry Potter and Lord of the Rings have always been two, very similar stories in my mind. HP just seems like a children's version of LOTR without the One Ring base. You've got Dobby/Gollum, Gandalf/Dumbledore, Frodo/Harry (young male leads), Voldemort/Sauron (powerful male villains--though Sauron wins in the bad guy contest, imho)... There are many things that are very similar, but there are many things that are different as well. Artful Weber, I haven't ever read Song of Myself. What is it about? ~Natalie
completely disagree, apart from them both being fantasy adventures, HP and LotR are nothing like each other. Lord of the Rings aint very good for a start off. And I actually thought it was the same that played Gandalf and Dumbledore actually
Blasphemer! However, both Gandalf and Dumbledore are the archetypal wise elders. That is an iconic symbol deep in our cultural history, that runs so far back it has roots in nearly every human culture.
me?? what for if so ?? And I like the idea of a wise old man, there was one in Stravaganza, signore Rodolfo, he was cool. I like older male figures in things