It is nice to find this site, seems good. For myself my name is Elizabeth. Female, 28 though I look much younger, and I've probably done more than most people will do their entire lives. Come with the fact that my father was with the federal government for years and mum part of a high profile law office = good $$ yet we never got the silver spoon treatment [I've been working since legally able]. The more is the fact I've lived all over - in many countries - either with relatives or by myself or to join up with friends... I skirted my last year of university when 19 [still graduated with a degree by 20] to go to a Nordic country to be with my uncle [and then later lived there by myself for 6 months the first time and 2 years the next time] The more is the fact I know how to fly a plane [Piper or Cessna] with or without pontoons. The more is the fact that I can field strip a C7 rifle in under 2 minutes. The more is I did serve in the military AND on a national [militaristic] shooting team for 5 years. The more is I speak 3 languages - English, despite my ease with it, isn't my first language. The more is I was a published author - I have done two or three non-fiction books but ... really joined cause I want to do fiction. My friends & family joke I should write a book with my experiences, so why not.
Welcome to the forums! Glad to have you on board. I don't have much experience with traveling or military (I should get out more often), but I'm imagining if you're writing a book it would be something like Forest Gump only with your own voice and experiences. If you need help with anything feel free to ask me or create a thread asking for help. We have a lot of talented writers on here, so getting assistance around shouldn't be too hard. We also have a collaboration forum where you can pair up with someone if you feel the need for a critique or want help getting started on your book. Hope to see around on the forums.
Hi Elizabeth, and welcome to the forum! Here's our New Member Quick Start to get you started. Your life story (so far) sounds really interesting. Where in (Fenno)Scandinavia did you live? Anyway, hope to see you around! Have fun writing. -Kat
Norway - Oslo and then further north to Namsos [my grandmother's hometown] with relatives. I then moved to Norway's neighbor for my 2nd visit [by myself] where I happened to meet in a small café three people that caught my attention as they were going on about a political aspect that I had the same mindset on. Got roped into conversing with them - after laughing at one of the guy's comments - and later learnt that two of the three were members of a small European band (lead singer & main guitarist) and have been friends with since (we meet up when I visit the area and have even done so when I am in the area & the band on tour)... that was just shy of a decade ago [8 going on 9 years]. My family is very wide spread - there's people everywhere though mostly in Europe / UK [there's only a handful in comparison actually in North America] so I have travelled quite a lot due to a) dad's job and b) when older & travelling by myself (or with my two brothers) I had places to "bunk out" at. Add to the fact a large number of my mother's side is in the entertainment business [band, acting (theatre/movies), and other] as well as her two brothers are pilots [one retired, the other not] for British Airways and travel pretty much has been the "name of the game" for most of my life.
Really? Haven't had time. I work too hard right now - the job I am working at underwent a total recall [screw up by management] and a LOT of people were fired. We're understaffed... my role at work is pretty much meant for 2 people, maybe 3 people right now as we reorganize, and I am doing it myself. As work is not in the same town my 8 hour shift becomes a near 12 hour shift thanks to 1 1/2 hours driving there, 1 1/2 hours driving back.. and weekends are pretty much shot to pieces cause what I can't do during the week I do then or simply relax. I doodle things out - I have this non-fiction that I have been meaning to publish sitting on the backburner gathering dust for nearly 2 years now as I can't find the time nor motivation to finish it [doesn't help that the people I am interviewing are rather close lipped about the topic] - but have never really sit down and finish anything in the last two or three years now. So I am thinking joining a forum might get my brain firing along the lines of "write" again. Particularly fiction as I've never really done fiction except for SoulRun in my signature [under a penname] and a few little child-level novellas when suffering writer's block with a non fiction to "clear the air".
I'm always curious about what Canadians who've lived in more than one other place think of Canada. If you don't mind me asking, what stands out most, or what do Canadians tend not to realize in comparison with the rest of the world?
She is . . .the most interesting woman in the world. "I don't always travel. But when I do, I meet European rock bands."
I do know that real moles have bad eyesight, didn't know it applied to Masked Moles. You may want to get some glasses there bub, or when you're trying to be insulting make sure that what you're saying actually has merit. Otherwise it just makes you look a little more than just goofy. Seeing as I said I travel quite often it's being part of my life for a very long time. That's the advantage of coming from a well-to-do family. And maybe you missed the part of my mother's family - entertainment business is nothing new. I can't quite help it if when you travel you sit, absolutely terrified in a café and speaking to no one, munching on hamburgers & fries. I'm a people person - like my father - I love speaking to people cause there's no better way to learn.
Ah a hard question. I like Canada don't get me wrong, however, I have the wanderlust bug [which I got from my father]. I love traveling, I love exploring, I love seeing what is over the next hill. I have not lived in one place for more than 4 years and any longer than that, I don't get bored per say I would rather see what the next town has to offer. I love testing my limits and those of my friends. Where my father once went cairn hopping [the mountain is pot-marked] in the fog - with a drop that would see you dead if you misjudged - and has flown a plane in near hurricane force winds... I've gone diving, cave diving (sharks), and even once coaxed friends to try the luxury of naked spelunking [don't ask]. People think I'm joking when I said I've done more by 25 than most will do their entire lives, unfortunately, it's hardly a joke. My travels & experience mean I am extremely self confident and as long as language isn't a barrier I can strike up conservations with pretty much anyone & everyone - for example, a few months ago when doing a consult job, I parked behind a guy in a Camaro. Nasty looking dude, had his arms crossed in the universal don't mess with me / I don't want to talk ... in less than 10 minutes I knew his name was Erik, he had just turned 50, his Camaro was a 2014, his wife had bought the 58,000 dollar vehicle with CASH for his birthday, and he was a GMC sales manager. Few people have that "gift of the gap" talent. Now in some ways Canada - and the US - is behind the times. And yes in a way inferior. Canada - by being the US's neighbor - thinks we're top dog. It's hardly true. And because of that "top dog" attitude we ignore the little things that are letting other countries [even 3rd world] surpass us by miles. People say England is behind the times / stuck in the mud \ but the US & Canada aren't far behind in that mentality. I mean I always get a giggle when Canada preaches about horrible conditions in other countries and how horribly people are treated in their countries by their governments... when aboriginals are living in conditions in Canada worst than many 3rd world countries.
.. I may be new but pleeease don't go overboard here! We are all civilized human beings, or we should be.
Well, that's great to broaden your perspective. I learned lots when I moved to Toronto from up north, then detour to Edmonton, back to 905. Yeah, some take more pride in the shared benefits of being so close than others, not that I want to detail my complex view of it all. I don't know if you mean Canadians by England being "behind" but it's not something I myself have come across in my travels. I agree with your third point with the drinking water, cost of living, social services, etc., and now even Miss Universe (Ashley Callingbull, an Aboriginal) is talking about the anti-Harper vote.
You've lived in Canada I take it, and Canada alone. I've lived in seven Canadian provinces. Up north [Peace River, Alberta], major cities [Montreal, Toronto and Vancouver], in the utter sticks [Alberta & Manitoba - our neighbors were the wildlife - Alberta we had grizzlies raiding the local camp site 2 kms away and 1/2 kms away black bears frequented the farmer's field year round]. You really can't notice what is "wrong" with your country if you don't live elsewhere - because you have no experience to say otherwise. And culturally / educationally Canada - US - is behind the times. As I said the "top dog" attitude means that you don't notice just how quickly other supposedly "3rd world" countries are catching up. Or how far behind you're getting in relation to other countries of similar world standing. Instead you believe the baloney spilled from the news as if it is golden... despite how the news is censored to paint the "good" and ignore the bad.
What an entertaining introduction. I look forward to seeing more posts from you. Whilst not military-driven, I had a similar upbringing, and a similar lack of constancy in living arrangements ever since. I would like to ask if you have spent much time interacting online? It sounds like you are quite proud of your off-line engagement and am curious if you have eschewed the electronic world in the process.
I just searched for your SoulRun novel but cannot find it - do you have a link, I'd be interested in checking it out?
Is this some weird, ambitious character study for a book or acting job? Because this personality is unbelievably sensitive and snippy. You're overacting or making an unrealistic character. Dial it back a bit. If for some reason, you actually exist with that demeanor, then I would suggest you work-hard- on your online communication skills. I am not just judging from this thread, but from other comments I have came across that you have posted. I am the most laid back and jovially apathetic person there is, but even I think you need to work on your people skills. The people here are some of the most helpful and welcoming I have seen in a writing forum... if you show mutual respect and understanding. Anyway, welcome! I am sooooo excited to see your work and possible progress. Can't wait to see what you may share with us.
Welcome! I'm sorry, but I have to agree with Aerisfullofwhimsy. Although I'm sure you've lead a very interesting life, this forum isn't about who has done the most in their lives, or about which country is better. It is about writing. So if your amazing life inspires you to write, then more power to you! Just one thing... I understand your bolding words helps them to stand out, but I felt like you were trying to prove a point more than tell us about yourself, and I'm not sure if it was the bolding that made me feel that, or your actual words, but I hope you didn't come in here to prove you're better than everyone here. Because here's the truth: nobody is better than everyone else. That being said, I bet your exciting life has lead to many interesting stories that I look forward to reading.