Looks like the writing profession will become obsolete pretty soon Entertaining myself with some web design doodling, I've written a Java program to generate a random background bitmap image for a web page. Hey, pressing a button beats drawing, AFAIC. Then I googled to see how many other fools around the globe have already solved the same technological problem. (I know, I know...) The very top result of the search was the following: http://www.wizards.com/dnd/NPCBG/generator.asp What are we doing here?
Being lazy thinkers - we let computers design the base of our characters for role-playing games. In other words, original thinking is being pushed out of business by formulaic writing. Already happening in the writing industry. OHOHOHOHO DID I SAY THAT OUT LOUD? It's a tool and a starting off-point for Dungeons and Dragons, an idea machine. It's not going to out do the writing industry as it is right now.
lol my littleboy was having a go with words and he came up with a word of his own ZEBROT .he said the zebra became a robot . we both laughed and a lot. I was very funny.