It's for a story. I couldn't think of one, so just wrote "spinner lure," but I'm pretty sure catfish will bite with a spinner.
oh boy, im not a professional fisher, but one thing: don't fish with frogs (long story and i am not willing to explain) because they are cannibals! a frog literally ate another and got on my hook once! the catfish i caught was easilly three feet after that though...
There's a reason you don't use lures with catfish. It's not what the fish are looking for: Fishing for Catfish with Lures The rest of the article talks about lures you can use, but I think if you are looking for one that is wrong on purpose, go with something that a bottom feeder isn't likely to find. I hate catfish, too many tiny bones in the meat.
Thanks guys. I ended up changing the sentence to something along the lines of " fishing in shallows for catfish," because I hear they like to lurk down deep, as GingerCoffee confirmed.
Yes catfish have good English skills and avoid dangling participles, they spend most of their lives in schools. (Yes, you made me go there.)