In an story with the overall theme about free will, what is the evil witch plan? I need to know what she sent out her bunch of henchmen to do. The story will be told from the evil henchmens point of view. (If you were playing a computer game the viewpoint characters would be the cool minibosses you got to defeat along the way before the final boss battle with the evil witch queen.) The henchmen are be bound to the witch will but not that bothered by the point of the contract since they are a bunch of misfit henchmen. The henchmen is not all that unhappy about their job or badly threated, because well haven unmotivated employees just isn't smart, even if their free will is compromised. At times the henchmen might have moral doubts and regrets about what they do, but they isn't angst kittens about to explode. Everyone have moral doubts every now and hen. They are rather quite laid back. By saying that the witch queen is evil with I mean morally darkish gray. So no "Evul just to be evul, because she is evul." Her plan actually has to make sense. Neither is she stupid. During the story the henchmen will be released and no longer bound to the witch other then by personal loyalty, and the story is about what to do with you free will really once you got it back. But I need to come up with a mission, that people will oppose. Mainly religious order because modern day paladins and inquisitors are cool. So brainstorm! What mission has the evil with queen sent out her henchmen to do? What story would you tell?
Maybe each henchman is sent out and told to control and obtain what they most desire (A brother's wife, A town with riches, A king's throne, A sorcerer's magic book and so on) The witch is telling the henchmen to do to thier objects of desire what she has done to the henchmen (control them). In the end the witch will call in the loyalty of the henchmen and in essence the witch will now have control over whatever the henchmen control. If you want a happy ending ~ the henchmen realize the witch's plan and revolt against her in a fierce battle to keep their desires. Then they realize that they are no better than the witch????
This wont be a tale about moral redemption, even if one or two of the character might turn that way. It wont be a tale of saving the world, or good vs evil even if I use imagery often used in tales like that. It will be about five persons, figuring out who they are and what to do with their life, facing pressure and opposition. Choosing end perhaps archiving what they want, perhaps failing. It probably turn out partly happy, partly sad.
The mission sent on by the shrew is frivilous and self selfish , maybe to collect the pelt of a Japanese Vampire to stretched over a barrel as drum skins.
In you opinion how would that piss of the Inquisition? Or some order of Christan or Muslim knights? Keep brainstorming people.
i was adding to the conflict the henchman have for her ,more motivation for their growing comtempt would be her putting them in harms way over some friviolous bull**** ...
The henchmen is not all that unhappy about their job or badly threated, because well haven unmotivated employees just isn't smart, even if their free will is compromised. At times they might have moral hesitations and regrets about what they do, but they isn't angst kittens about to explode. Everyone have moral doubts every now and hen. They are rather quite laid back.
My understanding so far is that these henchmen are contracted to the witch but once that contract is up they stick around anyway because they dont mind the work and they feel loyal to the witch. So if Ive understood that correctly they would still take orders from her but might go off on their own since they now have free will. Ok well if thats right then perhaps the henchmen have fallen in love with the witch and all want to prove themselves to her by compleating various tasks. They could be trying to impress her with treasures, acts of evil ect you could even have them trying to sabotage one another or something like that. Or on the other hand since they dont nessisarily love doing bad things they could go out into the world trying to live 'normal' lives and failing or suceeding to varying degrees. Because they have worked for the witch their sense of morality would be skewed and they might try and do good/normal things in a bad or morally wrong way and they struggle to see the right solutions or just fit in. Anyway just two things off the top of my head
OK - use seven henchmen. Send them to the far distant corners in the land to indulge in the seven deadly sins in the name of the witch: wrath, greed, sloth, pride, lust, envy, and gluttony. Each time they max out a sin, the witch gains in power. However as they become more enveloped in the sins the begin to turn on each other and the witch - becoming more envious of her, being more greedy of the power they're sharing etc... culminating in wrath that wipes all but... whose left? Dunno - just throwing this out there - no idea if it's what you're looking for...
hi, honestly where did you get the word "henchmen" - its too mafia-ish for your plot - let the witch have 5 side kicks with genuine attachments to the netherworld and different background [ maybe the witch has a spell over them and kidnapped them as infants - maybe maybe .......] you can have trolls, gargoyles, elves, golems, - you can draw inspiration from mythological races and add color by casting each of your "henchmen" from a diff. race like the the igin from japan, the pret from indian mythology etc etc. let the perspective of the tale be the henchmen's but you have to write as only a witch would. rgds, sansha