OK, I have a confession to make: Recently I've come to like reading a mystery series, only this mystery series isn't exactly what you'd call a 'guy book'. Outside mystery elements, the theme is of a female protagonist, her friends, and womanhood in general. It's a chick lit/mystery book series. So women, do you really care if a guy reads chick lit books? I do read non-chick lit books as well, so it's not like this is the only thing I'm reading. I just happened to find a mystery series I really liked that so happened to also be a chick lit book. Thoughts, ladies (and gentlemen who are brave enough to admit whether or not they read chick lit books?)
I couldn't care less. It actually really bugs me that 'chick lit' exists, while nobody would bat an eyelid if I, as a woman, read an Andy McNab or whatever. Read what you want, and if you fancy watching Sex and the City watch that too, it's funny (give the films a miss though!).
Nope, that's cool. I order books targeted at women to my husband and he orders books targeted at men to me (like Andy McNab). I can't read most of the stuff he reads because estreogen-heavy material just doesn't interest me, but he's fascinated by that stuff 'cause it's outside his experience. Kinda like I'm fascinated by testosterone-oozing dudes doing actiony things 'cause it's kinda hard for me to become a hardass spy for the Firm irl, or some such. Plus, I think your girlfriend or possible future girlfriend in case you're single will think that's just awesome.
@ thirdwind- That's always been my belief. So long as they're not hurting you or others, enjoy them and to hell with what anyone else says. @ KaTrian- I think he and I might share a similar hobby. I want to read anything I can get my hands on, so long as they're good books. @ prettyprettyprettygood- I've heard of the film, but I stayed as far away from it as one would a viper. Movies have to really impress me to convince me to sit for two hours in the dark to watch them. @ minstrel- I've no idea what chock lit is.
... I really should not be surfing the forums when I'm brain-dead tired; my stupid side takes the reins. Off to bed I go!
That is one of the best uses of an image macro that I have seen in a while. I love My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic and I read fan fiction obsessively. My favorite TV series, Game of Thrones, The Wire, and Breaking Bad, are testosterone-fueled dramas with violence, language, and ballsy decisions made by characters. Everything is a potential medium for a good story that is worth the time a man spends reading (or watching, or hearing, or playing) it.