Two of my MC's are taking a flight with a firebreathing dragon for the first time. The dragons are a docile winged variety. Not that you might have seen this type before. As I am explaining the flight (showing!) I am wondering what smell a fire breathing dragon might emit? What I already understand is that dragons are meticulously clean and I like this idea. I might even make them a bit OCD. The characters are positioned securely to its undercarriage so this is a warm and cosy ride. In particular I am wondering what hot dragon skin smells like as well as any lingering breath issues. Any suggestions will be greatly appreciated.
Well, one assumes a fire-breathing dragon's breath would smell of some combustible substance. As for the smell of hot dragon skin? Perhaps burnt leather.
Yeah, I would imagine their breath smells like whatever accelerant they use to produce fire. Their skin (I'm going in an odd direction) always feels like it would have a metallic, coppery smell. Old pennies come to mind.
Fire and Brimstone? Smoke? If you want them to be peaceful/domesticated, smelling like a barbecue might be nice (and make everyone hungry).
I've had lizards and toads before... they didnt smell like anything. well, the toad smelled like moss and dirt.... but the lizard didnt smell like anything. As for dragons breath.... considering that it is a mythical creature, im pretty sure you can make it smell like whatever you want it to smell like. However, volcanoes smell like rotten eggs.... sulfur and all that jazz.... so theres that!
I worked on a dairy farm after leaving school and one of my jobs was taking the huge bull out to graze each day. I had to get close to his snorting snout when unclipping the rod from his nose ring, and let's just say I can no longer open a can of sweetcorn without thinking about him. Okay, not a dragon, but let's face it, whatever you decide on nobody can possibly argue with you.
For your research, you might check out "The Flight of Dragons" by Peter Dickenson: He postulates that dragons flew because they were lighter than air, and had evolved a method of producing hydrogen in a chemical reaction. According to this theory, the dragon's breath would be a by-product of this reaction.
Yes I have taken a look. Think it was made into a film in 1982 by Bass & Rankin. Those that made an animated version of The Hobbit too.
What does the dragon eat? Maybe his breath smells like that? I mean, does your Dragon brush his teeth? The bits and pieces of food in his mouth probably decay and rot. You could have him eat gold or jewels to explain the compulsive hoarding of treasure perhaps and then you'll have to figure out what $$$$ smells like.
They tend to eat vegetation. They are impeccably clean. They spend a great deal of time on personal hygiene etc. Any 'unintended' smell that they create is a deep source of embarrassment. That only leaves dragon breath, sweat and the odd inadvertent fart I guess. None of which are pleasant!
If its breath smells anything like that of an 11-year-old Labrador with a desperate need for a tooth scaling, it smells like a bucket of chum. Lots of great suggestions. I agree that the breath would smell like what they eat, and depending on the age and maintenance of the teeth, perhaps a large bowl of prawn shells left in just enough sunlight to warm them with just enough moisture to keep them ripe. I would imagine the skin would smell like the bedding, or maybe it would have an ozonic scent from all the time spent aflight.
I would say likewise to some suggestions here, either it smells of say some sort of combustible. Or even more maybe spent fuel? I reminisce of the smell or taste of kebab on a gas fuelled flame grill. it has a distinct spent fuel taste to it.
it's really a matter of characterisation "the dragons breath smelt of chocolate and marshmallows, bob thought, how strange. He ran his hands over the wrinkled skin feeling its warmth. The dragon put is head down on his lap, like a large dog wanting to be petted, and burped...accidentally setting fire to bob's trousers" is a very different character from "the dragons breath smelt of electric fear and the screaming souls of its victims. Bob wrinkled his nose in distaste, it was as if someone was arc welding mouldy bacon, only not quite that pleasant. as he edged away his hands slid over the warm wrinkled skin coming away covered in a sour smelling oil"
There was indeed a film of that name, and Dicknson is listed as the inspiration and as a character in the film, but apart from that, I don't think that the two works are related. Here's the Internet Movie Data Base link for those who are interested:
Go down the tax office and breath in. That should give you a pretty good idea. If all else fails use your imagination. I think most of us can guess what the mouth of a meat eating predator with not dental care smells like. Also depends on the age of the beast.
"Dear Mr.Cumberbatch, Let me preface this by saying that I am a big fan of your portfolio of work. (Although why Dr.Strange didn't use the time stone to stop Thanos the first moment he learned about him frankly boggles my mind. Were you doing it for the huge amounts of cash or did the Russo brothers simply ignore you when you pointed it out? I can well understand if Robert Downey Jnr took you into his trailer beforehand to snort cocaine, so that is also an acceptable excuse.) You truly deserve any future Oscars that come your way, and your name always lifts my spirits as a source of amusement to me in the wee hours when it is just me and a scotch whiskey. That and Engelbert Humperdink. You two should really create a tv cop show called Humperdink and Cumberbatch. But back onto my reason for writing! Now, this may seem a strange request, but a member on one of the online forums I frequent is in dire need of some hard research for one of his upcoming novels, and I believe you are just the man to help. The person in question is trying to discover what Dragon's Breath smells like and despite Peter Jackson creating a master cure for insomnia with those last three Hobbit films I do remember waking up at one point and hearing you voicing a Dragon. Smog was it? Regardless, this poor chap needs to know what Dragon Breath smells like and you seem like a thoroughly accommodating bloke. So do a fellow brit a favour and blow into this envelope. I've already self-addressed it, stamped it, and I've made sure the sticky-back sellotape will keep it air-tight. Ta muchly, Steve. PS. I've included my cellphone number on a piece of paper. If they bring Black Widow back from the dead in the next Avenger's movie do a pal a solid and slip it into Scarlett Johannson's trailer. PPS Tell Brie Larson to actually move her face in the next one. PPPS Troll Jeremy Renner and ask if he can play someone else other than Jeremy Renner."
Now you are making me think that Smaug ate Cumberbatch whole. So not only might this account for his distinct Benedict breath but the inane yabbering. He would be the perfect person to ask was he not lodged in the great worm's throat.