I always try to be versatile in my writing. So far I've written anywhere from children's stories to horror and crime. Done the supernatural thing once, that was fun! Joker turned me on to that, thanks! I've also done ALOT OF LITERARY...who hasn't right? Haven't done werewolves or zombies yet. But maybe? I don't know. I also want to try Sci-Fi someday too. I think I suck at humor...ha, go figure! I am best at children's short stories though. What about you? What have you done? What are you good at and what haven't you tried but would like to?
You should start on zombies right away! They are the coolest thing in the world!!! I have done some recent things (sig for link) and reviewed some other peoples work. I like writing flash humor. (all my post on this site even this one) I mix genres a lot. Expecually with Zombies. My lastest zombie one "Class 2" 6000 words. Has this: Mystery Humor Teen Horror and Action Awesome if i do say so myself
Yeah, I checked it out on your site. It's good! Yeah, I have to get better at the humor. After all what's life without Comic Relief?
I have mostly wrote fantasy but have always wanted to write a fictional story based in our current day. I guess I'd put it in the mystery and/or thriller category. Caleb
You know Caleb, I love reading fantasy but find it hard to write it. I think I only explored it once or twice. I'm more into writing real-life crimes (yet fictional of course) I think you have the right idea about "current times." It's always interesting to read (for me at least) when everything is related to the recent day. Then again, a 19th century book brings you back to that period. BUT, that is very hard to write about. You would have to research it and everything. Like I said though, it's easier to write about something true to life, but when it comes to mythical beasts and speculative (I really hafta let my mind wander for that) Thanks for sharing!
I've done fantasy, crime (or mystery), humor, and well, almost anything that I feel like writing. I also like writing in many different genres, because writing in only one would be... confining.
Indeed. Writing fantasy can be difficult at times because of all the research that goes behind it. I bought a book from Barnes & Noble a while back about how to write good fantasy and they provided page after page of information from armor to horses. The emphasis stressed by all the authors (it was a collaborated book) was that many fantasy authors think they can get away with not doing their homework just because it's a fantasy world. Wrong. Then again I guess once could stress that even writing in our current day you still need to do your homework especially because people are more knowledgeable about todays world so you have less room for error. In fantasy most people aren't going to know what a girth is or why it is simply not possible for your hero to have just shoved his sword in the girth of his horse to "hold it" as he rides off into the sunset. In reality his horse just died so there's certainly not going to be an epic scene of him riding into the sunset. However, when people do know what it is and why that's not possible it sticks out like the biggest sore thumb and your book just flopped. Caleb
Marcelo, you bring up a good point. "Mood" is everything for me. It just depends on what I feel like writing too. There is no possible way I can do a children's story if I'm depressed...it would probably be a horror writing day. But when I'm excited and feel very inspired...it's some inspirational kiddie be story. Caleb, you're right. It's hard to fool readers nowadays. Even with Fantasy, research is most definitely involved. I think if you want to be a good writer (imo) studying a little bit first about what you want to write, is the best way to go. Otherwise...yes...it's a flop.
i've written pretty much anything that takes words: 4 yrs' paralegal work for 2 child incest victims to free them from their father/grandpa rapists briefs and interrogatories for $200/hr attorneys as a writing consultant in the 80’s/90’s, i had $75-150/hr clients for whom i wrote: advertising copy 'killer' dunning letters [to donald trump & joan rivers, among other deadbeats] helped a masters-degreed educator write an application essay for her doctoral program then taught her how to write her doctoral thesis analyzed would-be writers' hopeless novels/whatevers and showed them how to do it right had stories/poems published [by paying venues] was commissioned by pres. of MCA, NY to write the theme song lyrics for his off-b'way musical originated & wrote a regional magazine's column for singles dreamed up ad copy for nestle's chocolate valentine lollipops edited magazines etc., ad infinitum... since I gave away all I owned and left my old life and old work behind in ‘95, I’ve been writing philosophical essays and poetry [in ‘plainspeak’ for ordinary folk] that I give away for free and retain no rights to wrote ‘a mother’s guide to clean-living in a dirty universe’ + 5 book collections of assorted other world-benefiting stuff [see on website: www.saysmom.com ] wrote screenplays and rewrote books for others [for free] had a column of this ‘new life’ work published in the hopi tribal newspaper and now, I do [always for free] here, on other writing sites, and by email, all that I once did for fees--mentoring/helping aspiring writers of all breeds... in between writing my own philosophical essays and what i call 'philosetry'... genres i've written fiction in [short stories and novels/novel starts]: mainstream and literary mystery horror erotica children's + both serious and humorous autobiographical works and poetry of all sorts without bragging, i have to admit i'm better at pretty much all kinds of writing than most and only personal taste kept me from writing stuff like romance, gothic, and fantasy... and there's nothing i haven't tried that i'd want to... sorry you asked? ;-)
Haha...No Maia, not at all. In fact that is a really impressive resume you got there. We should ALL be very grateful you're here. I know I am!! Thanks for sharing. It's good to know in case someone needs your help as you have helped me greatly in the past.
Well I've really only started to explore different genres of writing. I'm currently writing a romace between a vampire and a human-its nothing like Twilight. Late last year I also wrote...well I'm not sure which catogry it fits in to...but its a realistic story of a girl wanting to try out for the football team but her coach not allowing her to.