I don't pretend to be the best writer, but I like to think I've been doing it long enough to avoid the common mistakes new ones make. Every so often, however, I'll look back on something I've recently written and it'll make me giggle. Thank god for editing. While working through my first edit I saw this sentence: Annoyed, I move to bump them back when I see a familiar halo of long blond hair masking two sharp green eyes that have just slid to me in amusement. I hadn't remembered even writing it (ended up scraping it completely as it did nothing for the scene, even with re-working), but it sure as heck humbled me for a second. I laughed for a good bit, thinking how much it read like a bad fanfic. Interested in knowing if anyone else has experienced a moment like this.
Have you not read anything of the fiction variety that I have written? Plenty of bad sentences to be had there.
You live dangerously. Figured I would keep it simple and short. https://www.writingforums.org/threads/i-feel-pretty-1125-words.156808/
I have a "laughs" file where I actually save all these little gems. I reread the file from time to time, maybe a few times a year, and always have a good giggle
I read the first three sentences, and had to stop. Here's your revenge: https://www.writingforums.org/threads/okehazama-1543-words.163581/