When you write, what genre is your favorite? What is your niche, so to speak? Some people are good at erotica, and others at westerns. What are you?
Best genre? I don't know... probably like non-fiction or something. But my favorite genre to write is thriller.
I quite like to write thriller-style material as well, it gets the imagination working on that whole subversive level doesn't it? Despite loving almost of all of Stephen King's work (is that really you SK? ) I find horror quite difficult to write but then everything I do write I benchmark it against King's work which isn't too fair a comparison for any young writer to make.
Gothic horror is my favourite, the drama and melancholy of it all is amazing and its a fun way to write - building all that suspense!
I love writing suspense/thriller type stories. The kind of stories that leave you thinking "What if that actually happened?" at the end of it. I mean, there's just nothing better than that in my opinion.
Science Fiction/Fantasy. Although I am planning several other works, including a "serious" fiction novel.
hmmmmm...I dont know. I can pretty much write anything, but I do my best writing before I go to bed. I dont know why. But mainly my best genre has to be fiction. I'm horrible at non-fiction because I love to tweak the stories to make them more interesting. lol
i love to write science fiction, i've experimented a few times in romance and it didn't work out for me, it was good stuff but wasn't fun to write. I've never been tied to only doing one genre, but when i write those thriller futurstic [usually "V for Vandetta" style] films it really writes itself
Anything! I've written mysteries, horrors, scary stories (is that horror? -shrugs-) romance, fantasy, sci-fi. You name it and I've probably written in that genre.
I mostly write Fantasy although i do enjoy writing Horror (and have already planned for a couple of new horror short stories) there really the only ones i have explored, i guess i should try some new ones like Mystery or Futuristic ones... hmm
i normally stick with humor. i try doing action, but it ends up coming out like an action movie, in the fact that its one event after another. i dont describe stuff, i just tell what happens.
I haven't written all that much; but I enjoy a good story now and then. If I were to write a book, it would probably be some sort of fiction- I like science fiction, but sometimes it gets to outrageous, and fantasy is interesting too, but can get dull and unrealistic after awhile.
I've tried writing mainstream and historical fiction, but I find my natural home is sci-fi. I don;t think I could ever write fantasy though.
That's not a bad idea. Most sc-fi/fantasy markets seem to be getting sick of the thousands of Tolkien-influenced swords/sorcery clone stories they receive and seem to want more in the way of urban fantasy.
Hi, I prefer speculative fiction - science and fantasy. I guess what I like the most science fiction with a metaphyiscal bent. So that would be my own sub-genre. John John A. Manley From starving writers to high-paid copywriter - without sacrificing creativity and expression... www.RealityCopywriting.com
What you do, with what you have. Based on whats put in front of I’m Happy because that’s what I’m writing. I think its Stephen Kings influence with his dark tower series being almost entirely based within our modern day frame of reference(Even the more far out places conceivable). I’m more attracted to a fantasy story; which takes its characters, or at least a few, from a background I can relate to. This is why the first chapter of my story might read like a look into a housewife’s sad life. But of course such a twisted character as only our modern lives can create has to go through changes and realize the nature of her/our existence. Other elements put me in Sci-Fi like the Scientist whose work turns against him and everybody else. The fantasy element comes in the journey and adventure the characters all go through with their separate motives in mind. I’m already overwhelmed by it, and absorbed if I start to read. Some parts I love, some I hate…love/hate-so-what? A draft is a draft right? As long as I’m having fun and feeling fulfilled. This has been a procrastinating message before I go to bed
I couldn't agree more. Although the majority of the stuff I write has fantasy elements in it, I haven't picked up a traditional fantasy novel in years. Tolkien's imitators are boring, and Tolkien himself...well, I had to stop halfway through the Fellowship because I found myself extremely disinterested. Give me Neil Gaiman and his ilk any day.
For me, it's fantasy. I read a lot of science fiction but my main center in writing is fantasy. I've read the Harry Potter series and the Inheritance Trilogy, and those are what really got me started, as well as the inspiration of my dad.
I guess in a word, futurist. I call it fantasy or sci-fi, depending on how much actual science goes into the fiction (usually not much..) My topics tend to be scattershot.
I'd be really good at none fiction. It's not hard to look up a big event that happened in a community and ask as many questions as you can think of in order to get as close to the most accurate plot outline as you can get. Then read up on old news papers and such. HOWEVER, I like Science Fiction. I can't stand Fantasy. I've read three of Robert Jordan's Wheel Of Time books only because my brother-in-law said it was good. When I finished the third book, I asked him: "when's it going to get good." and he said: "It's already at the best part!" I also attempted reading some JRR Tolkien and I can only stomach The Hobbit. I was bored to tears with LOTR. So the last thing I'll ever do is write Fantasy. So I'm sticking to Science fiction.