I wrote my story from a disasterous 1st person pov ( the pseudo-villain's). But since then I've added an element to the story; that the two main characters are in conflict simply because they cannot read each other. All their motives are suspect. Without withholding too much from the reader - should I write it from one of the characters pov or would third person be too much as I'd have to show each character misinterpreting the other's motives?
I'm of the mind it could technically work either way. With third person you'd be able to show the reader how these... misinterpretations are happening as the book progresses. With first person it might be easier if one of the characters realizes at some point what's happening and has a d'oh moment as he reflects on everything that's gone down. Guess it depends on which you think would suit your story better.
Third person POV by someone other than the MC is one choice. The other is first person, but it's trickier. First person is an unreliable narrator - he can lie to the reader to a certain extent, or can rationalize his actions to make himself look better. However, too much dishonesty will make the reader feel cheater, so I'd recommend the first option.
Thanks for the feedback - I'm thinking third person too. Mainly cause I have this tricky idea of pulling the reader into the misinterpretation - that they will be wondering if they are misreading both characters , as well.