We had a lovely spam with "Hell on earth" in Heather's story. He/she asked me what would I change about Iran? My answer is this: I would expel people and plant onion everywhere. Now, to take away some "spamity" of this thread, what would you change?
I wish the government would stop trying to please all of the people all of the time when in fact they please no one none of the time - except themselves of course.
I would make Canada a little more patriotic. Way too many Canadians just don't seem to care what happens to the country as long as their region/province/city/neighbourhood gets the majority of money and attention.
I would institute a "Fiscal Parity" law so that every dollar budgeted to the Dept of Defense had to be matched by a dollar budgeted to Health, Education and Welfare. And as riders on the bill enacting that law (see, if they're just riders, they don't make it more than one thing - any politician can explain that to you if you like , I'd have: I. If an undocumented alien is killed while serving in the US Armed services, as a condolence all of his immediate family members become immediately eligible for Green Cards. II. For every year a US servicemember is stationed in a country overseas, one immigration slot should open up for refugees from that country. III. Candidates for office and their political parties may not campaign, accept campaign contributions, or even announce that they are running any more than six months before an election. Primaries will be held three months before election day. The other eighteen months of the biennial election cycle we will all be able to hear ourselves think. - Evelyn
i would make the governmant stop being such *****s about the whole underage drinking/smoking thing. they have raised the gae we leave school to 18, the age we buy fags to 18 and are trying to change the drinking age to 21!! ow, and it was on the news that they wanted to fine parents who give their children under 15 alcohol. i think it is pathetic and it makes my blood boil. besides which, the underage drinkers (me and my mates) will just find a 21 year old to buy the booze instead. Heather
I'd hijack Doc Brown's time Delorean, go back to the 80s, get Ronald Reagan, come back, throw Bush and Cheney into the stone age, and then let Reagan take over.
*hugz Ivan* I would stop all that "OMG America sucks. When I turn eighteen, I am soo going to England" crap. I mean, Jesus, this is America, one of the the few places you can change stuff.
In order to benefit my country, I would work endlessly at attempting to pull Stephen Harper out of George W. Bush's ass.
They're both global issues. Theyre not national issues. Edit: Well they are, but you know what I mean.
yes that would be good, but is there really anyone that would do the nation any good. No matter who you put there in that seat they are always going to do something wrong, it is human nature to make mistakes. ~Torana