Here I am, once again being nosy! What is your wallpaper right now? Mine is from the brilliant tv show Dexter: I change it every few weeks, sometimes in a week if I get really sick of the wallpaper. I either usually use a wallpaper of a tv show/movie/cartoon I really like or some artsy scenic image I find after going through dozens of ones I dislike. Yeah, I put a lot of attention into wallpapers, lol. It's why I only change them after a week or usually longer!
Spoiler I love your wallpaper. I never found any good dexter walls... EDIT: Image spoilered because it was too big.
Yeah. The buttons are weird. The desktop on this computer (Mom's laptop.) is me and my siblings when I was about 4. On my laptop here: A picture of Frozen Minnesota I found on the internet. On my computer at school: A picture of me and Lil Bit the day she was born. That's not all the computers. But. The ones I use frequently.
I constantly change mine because I get bored easily. Right now it's an amazing photograph (which means I didn't take it ) of Seattle taken from Bainbridge Island.
My wallpaper for my laptop is a picture of Woody off of Toy Story that says Hey, I love you! next to him. Not because I have some sick obsession with Woody...because my fiance looks like him. And I believe the wallpaper on our desktop computer is Darth Vader driving a race car.
No this picture wasn’t downloaded off the internet, I took it myself when visiting Mt Kosciusko (Australia’s tallest mountain) with my family a couple of years ago, very picturesque. We did the walk to the top the first day we arrived which was lucky because it rained heavily for the next week. You had to feel sorry for the couple who were going to get married on the summit the day after we went up. This is the desktop theme for my laptop. It’s a picture of the sky taken from the summit.
Ok, give me a moment...I'm not too computer-savvy, but I'll try to figure it out. Picture is on the way...
Oh goody! This is my computer wallpaper at school. Well, a cropped version. Though I think I might change it next time I'm there to the picture of Lil Bit that Carmina photoshopped for me.
mine's a nifty, photo/cgi concoction of a tiny, palm-treed isle surrounded by a calm sea, with a ghostly full moon rising beyond the horizon...
Mine is a black and white, but mostly black, photo of a friend of mine. The photo was taken by another friend of mine and growing photoartist. There's a lot of symbolism in the photo, and I also like that it's very dark in colour; It saves a little bit of energy at least.
Mine is an amazing drawing of a scence from one of my favorite books (Inkspell) that I wish I could claim credit for but, sadly, my drawing skills are not that amazing, I found it online. And when I am on my actual computer at home instead of the one I am using in Best Buy while i wait for my dad (shhhhh!) I will show it too you guys because it is an awesome desktop
I got a copy of Deskslide which changes your wallpaper every minute (or however long you set it for). I got my wallpaper for free from this artist - I love his cartoony, whimsical style. I just made them the right size for my screen - I have about 30 pictures which change all the time, but this one's my favourite: Followed closely by this one: And for inspiration: I hate clutter on my desktop and always make a 'tidy folder' so that I can shove things into it rather than having it all over the desktop.