If you were writing a story and one character in the story was going to get frustrated and give a raspberry to another character...how would you spell it? Inquiring minds want to know?
Are we talking about the same Webster here? Because I checked the web and paper versions and both say "raspberry" is the only spelling for a raspberry.
Allow me to clarify my question. By "giving a raspberry" I don't mean handing over a piece of fruit. I mean the rude noise of blowing out of your mouth while making a seal with your lips around your tongue. How does one spell the sound that such an action makes? I've seen it "Phbtbtbtbtbtbtbtbt" but that doesn't quite look correct...or easily pronounced. How would you spell that sound? This is just an opinion poll to give me some ideas.
Ah..... This one is going to be up to you. The sound effect you ref is not a word, thus there is not going to be any sort of standard. None that I can think of, at least. And remember that we have a very international following here at wf.org and that some of these concepts of what we do and do not hear are going to be cultural and related to the languages we each speak. The American in me hears little chicks making cheep-cheep sounds and the Puerto Rican in me hears piu piu (pee-oo pee-oo).
I like ManOfSteel's idea - when your character is annoyed he should give someone a raspberry. And the more annoyed he gets, the bigger the piece of fruit
Just think of "rasping" which is another way of describing making such a noise. Got "rasp" in it just like "raspberry"
i wouldn't advise using a sound effect for that... just describe the face and body language, while telling the readers what the character does...