I'm sure there are many places that will publish short stories, but I'm having trouble finding them. Google's failing me. I don't usually write short stories, but I was inspired to write one the other day. I think it's quite good and would like to submit it somewhere. I'd prefer to submit it to some place that offers hard copies of their published works and, holding my breath, a place that pays. A short story magazine type of thing, a book anthology, something like that... So, any suggestions? Where is the best place to send your short story if you want it published? I was going to send a copy to ZYZZYVA, but then found out they mostly only publish writers from the west coast, so that's out as I'm about as east coast as can be. I'd love some suggestions, please! Thanks.
Poets&Writers and Duotrope both have a huge listing of markets. P&W is free, but Duotrope is something like $50 a year. Duotrope does have a larger database and more information on each magazine.
Depending on your genre, Ralan.com (Ralan's Webstravaganza) is a good place to search. They have short fiction markets broken down by Pro rate, semi-pro, paying, and token. They also list anthologies. Here's the link: Ralan.com
Thanks so much. I'd heard about duotrope, but considering how little people pay for short stories, I didn't even know for sure if the $50 a year would be worth it. I might try their one week free trial though. I'll check out the other sites too. Thanks!
I checked out ralan.com. It seems they mostly cater to fantasy, horror, and sci-fi, am I correct? Not really my genre, but it's still a good site!
duotrope is only $5 per month, so you can invest just a bit for a list of all the publications your story might fit... be very careful about anthologies... vet each one thoroughly, before considering it, since most are semi-scams and their books are never sold in bookstores or accepted by libraries... they accept all sublitted material, no matter how poorly written it might be, counting on the writers' family and friends to buy the books...
Oh good to know. Well, I've been searching most of the day, and for those interested here's a list of journals that pay their contributors. http://www.thereviewreview.net/publishing-tips/show-me-literary-magazines-pay Thanks again for all the advice. I now see that there are about a bazillion places where I can submit my short story, and I've already started.
Yes, mostly SF/Horror/Fantasy, but there's some mystery and thriller. It doesn't cover all genres, that's why I indicated it depends on your genre. Hope you find a good market.
I was just published in Shadows & Light Quarterly. They take both short stories of all genres as well as poetry; however, if it's pay you're looking for they don't do that. You get a contributor's copy (that you have to pay shipping on) and nearly half off of any other copies you'd like to buy. ~Chad Lutzke