So I am about to write a new book for internet platform and I have two plots I like but can't decide which one I should go with. 1. A single mom lives with her daughter. She raises her alone without the help of her father. After years she moves back to her hometown and meets the father again. He starts building a relationship with his daughter. In the end the daughter dies from her terminal illness. Ending with mom finding a goodbye letter from the girl. Or 2. This one also includes a single mom. One day her daughter is found dead in the woods and it's clear she was murdered. As it progresses secrets are unfold and a perpetrator of the murdered girl's previous trauma becomes the prime suspect. So what do you think? Which one is better?
Both these are easily writable. My advice would be to start writing a story related, and see which of these two you develop into writing. Most of your best ideas aren't going to be laid out in an outline, and certainly anything is readable if written with care. Just choose the one you end up writing more towards. That's the story you're more mentally prepared to write. The other will be more forced, and likely not come out as easily or as well.
we see a lot of threads asking which vague idea is better... the problem is no one can tell from a two line description because it depends overwhelmingly on how it is written, especially when they are two very different ideas such as we have here. this is going to boil down to what sort of story you want to write, do you want a character driven story arc about a girls life, or do you want a crime drama ?
The first plot line is a tear jerker meant to emotionally manipulate the reader - unless the real aim of the story is to describe how the daughter made the world a better place in some way, or saved the dad etc. The second plot is a been there seen that format. Although the conflict is easier to see the actual plotting is going to be difficult. To write a good murder mystery you're gonna need to draw the plot.
The ideas are both a bit too vague but neither really interested me. You'd have to pick the one that you connect with better
Your first idea doesn't have a strong enough pull yet! To keep me as a reader interested till the end. However your second idea does. This does not mean one is better than the other. Just more thrilling story's will interest me personally! so I guess everyone else commenting has hit the hammer on the head!
I would not be able to finish the first one. Sounds like season two of Clannad. Bought it on DVD, stopped watching, had to get past the sad part but it only became more sad, stopped again, thought that the end can't be worse, watched the super sad ending, then never watched it again. The second one begins with the mysterious gruesome hook promising a deep dive into the dark corners of human madness. The reader just have to find out who could do such a thing and why. I would read if the characters are unique and memorable.