I'm trying to find out which whitestrips are the best. What ones do you use? Bad expirences with any?
I've not had a bad experience with Crest Whitestrips before, and they are the only whiteners I've ever used. They seem to be working, but you need to be patient and consistant. (That's always my problem. ) I have noticed my teeth whitening though, and, believe it or not, I've received a lot of compliments on my smile lately. Edit: Lessa reminded me that I also use Arm and Hammer brand toothpaste, because it has baking soda in it, to add to the whitening. A little stranger texture, but you get used to it, and it doesnt taste yucky.
I have very off colour teeth. I asked my dentist and he told me that none would work on my teeth. They are the colour they are by genetics. But he said baking soda works almost as well as the strips. tastes bad but it does work if you brush with it once a day.
I've used the Crest White Strips before. I got impatient when I saw no REAL results in the first 14 days and haven't used them since.
I used the Remembrant (or something) strips 3 or 4 years ago and they noticeably whitened within 7 days. But the last I heard, Crest bought them out, so I don't know if they are still around or not. I forked out the money and got trays made now so all I theoretically have to do is buy the gel/paste whitening stuff from my dentist. I haven't tried it yet, but my mother (a dental hygienist) uses it so it can't be complete crap.
Oh ok! I think I will buy some, then maybe some baking soda. Maybe I will post some before and after photos to show my results.
Listerine pre-brush whitening rinse worked pretty well for me. You get even better results if you leave some on your teeth after spitting and brush with a little still on your teeth. (Then you rinse and brush with toothpaste after.)
I read this post as I hadn't a clue what is was under discussion. Now I know! Personally, I don't care what colour my teeth are as long as they are more or less teeth colour. Ivory these days, but most of them have been around for over half a century.
So does the baking soda way work? How exactly do you use it./like how often etc? I'd like my teeth a little whiter, and whitening bleachy products are illegal in the UK. Plus professional whitening costs a fortune so er..no way! Thanks for feedback
well the ones with the right amounts are...the only ones available are too weak to be effective apparently..or thats what my dentist said anyway!