Honestly, you have a parliament, so why is this chick still around? What purpose does the royal family play in anything?
many reasons. firstly if we were not to have a queen what would the rest of the world associate us with? people who aren't English tend to think England and the queen. also it gets a lot of tourism, people coming to see London where the queen lives, it makes England a lit of money ever year. also like has allready been said it is tradition and there is no reason to break tradition. it is one of those things that we have and to get rid of the queen, well, there isn't really a point. plus it creates a little bit of security for the older generations, such as my nana, who when they were little they looked up to the queen/king at the time for support and to lead our country. at the end of the day they Queen does no harm and it is traditionally associated with Enlgand so it brings us a lot of money, so why get rid of her? Heather
I like the Queen. She has one heck of a job. All world leaders do. I admire her for some reason, even thoguh her ancestors sent my convict ancester over here! But why? Who really knows. And who are we to queastion it?
haha, true true. i wouldn't want to argue with the queen, she looks scary. although it was in the papers the other week where she visited a little school and a little lad asked her for one of the flowers than they had just given her and there is a picture of her giving the lad a flower from the bouquet. bless him. Heather
A better question would be, Why is Queen ELizabeth the second still the queen of CANADA? Oh, yes she is...
To be honest, for some tottaly left field weird reason, I feel mildly insulted that she is queastioned!
Tradition. Also if we got rid of her we'd have to change the Constitution. And after all the hassle we went through to get a half-assed constitution, and then years of trying to make it less half-assed only to see it blow up in our faces, its not worth the hassle.