Hi all, This is something I've not truly understood. I understand how to give a member reputation points, but are there rules for when to give/receive? Otherwise people could spam the system. Is it when we really like someone's post that we can decide to give them a reputation point, or am I totally misunderstanding it all? Are there other reasons that we can give or receive points? Thanks. P.S. I just realised this should probably have been put in the lounge. Sorry about that! :redface:
I don't know what other people do, but I give reputation points to responses, rather than original posts. I give them to the people I feel have been particularly helpful with critiques and/or responses. I don't think you can 'spam' the system, though, as I accidentally discovered yesterday. I tried to give another set of reputation points (for another great critique) to somebody I'd already given them to recently, and the site politely informed me that I'd need to let more time elapse before I could give that person more points. Well done to the site organisers! By the way, it seems to be etiquette to sign your points, so the person receiving them knows who they are from. Not necessary, but apparently folks like to know this.
I give rep points when I appreciate someone's comment - and always put my name on it - I think there are processes in place so you can bump up someone's little green bar status, like you can't give 3 or even 2 in a row to the same person - not quite sure exactly what the numbers are. The number of points you give depends on the number of little green bars you have and vice versa, the number you receive depends on the person giving them.
I give them when I especially like someone's response. Jannert is right -- you can only give rep to a person once before giving rep to some number of other folks and being allowed to give more rep to the first person again. That helps guard against just having some sort of agreement with someone where you bump up each other's rep. One thing I wish, though, is that people who have no rep power could still give at least a tiny amount of rep. They can validly really like a post or find it helpful, and I always appreciate when they give me rep. I just wish they could give me a point or even a half a point -- they would add up. It's just a small way to say thanks or show appreciation that someone took the time to share some piece of wisdom or insight.
I usually give rep points to posts I like, both replies and original posts. If I am the original poster I give rep points to almost all the replies I get even though some replies may not be particularly helpful. I appreciate the time they took to read my post and their effort to help me. So, there are no rules, and as noted above spamming is difficult if not impossible.
Besides the system knowing when you have given rep to someone and asking for a certain amount of time to elapse before giving that same person rep again, there is also a maximum total rep you can give in a given span of time. The system will warn you that you have 'repped out' and make you wait for some time before giving rep to anyone. Your rep-giving power changes with time, your own accumulated rep, if you hold a position in the forum like moderator, things like that. It takes a certain amount of accumulated rep to garner a new little green cube thingie. You may need the rep points from several members to garner one, or if it comes from an old-timer, someone with a streak of cubes, or a mod, it may take just the one.
Thanks for all the helpful responses, everyone, as I now know when to give reputation to others! Thanks again.
When you wish to give positive rep for something, make sure to click the little box to indicate that, otherwise it defaults to 'neutral' rep which has no end effect on the person's rep.
Wait, wait! I was wrong. Someone just kindly informed me. "I approve" is the default. :redface: Sorry!
Rep points are given in appreciation. There are restrictions that prevent a couple people from playing "rep point ping pong", to keep them from elevation one another over everyone else. The only way neutral rep is given is if the giver doesn't have the "juice: to give rep yet. Typically this means new members. Receiving rep boosts your rep-giving abulity, and so does being here longer and posting more posts.