Some of us have been half asleep or waking up from surgery, other and said... wierd stuff. Yesterday, I had an endoscopy (where they stick a tube down your throat and look around in your tummy) when I woke up, I kept asking "Who woke me up?!?!!!" I just HAD to know... I don't remember putting my clothes or shoes back on and getting to the car and getting home. Know I did, just don't remember. My sis wins this game though. After her leg surgery, the first thing she did when she woke up is ask the nurse "Where did you go to school?" haha (to which she politely replied "LSU") Also, while she is half asleep, she's super funny. my bro asked her a question. It went like this: Bro: Hey, what's the phone number to 'blahblahblah'? Sis: Incomprehensible mumbling. Bro: What? What language are you speaking? Sis: All the languages are in English! So, what wierd stuff have you said?
LOL I didnt say anything after surgery, but i saw another woman being wheeled in on a bed who had similar hair to me, and i was CERTAIN that i was a ghost seeing myself haha. My brother says stupid things when he's sleeping. His friend was crashing at our house and my bro slept on the floor, and he said "its really difficult trying to sleep with all these rocks under us isnt it" LOL
I have been told that when talking in my sleep, I once said "No, no. Don't cough now. You're supposed to sneeze." I wonder what I was dreaming... I have also laughed in my sleep. That is just creepy.
I try to bate people into continuing the conversation when I hear them start something like that. Brother: *mumbles* "The icecream." Me: "Where?" ... "What icecream?" Brother: "In my backpack." Me: "Should I go get it?" Brother: "Yes." Friend: "They are purple." Me: "What are?" Friend: "On Tuesdays." Me: "What are purple on Tuesdays?" ... ... Friend: "Electric... chairs." I guess they're not that funny. I can't think of any more.
I remember back when I was in highschool, it was pouring rain so I went up stairs to ask my stepdad for a ride. He rolls over and goes "It's only raining on half" and passes back out. I couldn't stop laughing. In hindsight, it's probably not as funny as I thought it was.
I was told the day after a serious drunk (I think I was 22 or 23) that I was reciting the Litany Against Fear from Frank Herbert's Dune. I must not fear. Fear is the mind-killer. Fear is the little-death that brings total obliteration. I will face my fear. I will permit it to pass over me and through me. And when it has gone past I will turn the inner eye to see its path. Where the fear has gone there will be nothing. Only I will remain :redface:
I was sleeping over at a good friend of mine's house, and she sleep-talks, and we're listening to her and she says "I'm a pretty princess" just out of nowhere. We died laughing. We still give her crap about that.
According to my parents, I'll carry on pointless/wierd conversations with myself while asleep although I don't remember any of what I said. I do remember when I had a few friends over and one of them was asleep and wouldn't get up. Me and a buddy tried to wake him up and he started talking to us about brownies or something. I also remember having people wake me up at random times and ask me questions and I'll respond with incoherent answers like, "That's nice" or "Good job".
Well I suffered from chronic fatigue syndrome for a while, so I was out of it about 85% of the time. I did alot of silly, random things on a regular basis; like thinking out loud, and asking inaninimate objects to clarify the things that i didn't understand people say. Also asking my family members for their opion on things like what they think of my new blouse(I DO NOT wear a blouse, wouldn't have a clue why I said it lol) and how many teeth I should wear for breakfast. I said alot more stuff apparantly, but I don't believe half of it, because I don't really remember the past year and a bit haha.
My son is the best for sleep talking. One night he sat up in bed and said "Mummy, Cretin goes 'bow bow bow'" he then laid down and went to sleep. Me and my son had a conversation in our sleep at a friends. She recorded part of it as it was rather funny. We were both winging about shopping to each other... Mase just kept saying he didn't want to go because it was stupid. I rattled on about a few things and told him if I had to go he did too and made some stupid little mocking sounds and sounded like a little girl... It apparently ended when he threw his Goofy at me and then we both went silent.... I also attack people in my sleep and talk in my sleep quite a lot.
I took to a friend with the bedside lamp once... poor girl didn't really know what to do! I was fast asleep and woke up and she told me about it and showed me the marks it left behind... I felt guilty for sooooooooo long!
My teenage daughter talks as much now in her sleep as when she was little. A few nights ago she woke me, saying she couldn't sleep because of the neighbour's noise (it was deadly quiet, 3 a.m). I said there wasn't room for her next to me, and she told me there was no room in HER bed, because the neighbours were walking backwards and forwards over it. In the morning she swore this conversation didn't take place...
Lol Yer My mum has chronic fatigue it's quite funny she sort-of-talk/gurgles/mumbles about the most random crap sometimes especially when I ask her questions; like 'where's my work uniform' 'Ermm..arhhh... I donno... this is what happens when you don't wash yoursel..I mean your clothes... and wash them... yourself... yeah' 'eh, okay' 'Hey, where do you want me to put these cans of coke' 'yeah, huh?.. yerrr... microwave..' 'you want me to put them in the microwave?' 'erhh no, that's no... what?' Lol.
This would be a fairly normal conversation in our home--but try it bi-lingual to make it even more incomprehensible...
I don't have an excuse for this one - I was wide awake... I was wearing sunglasses and chatting rather loudly with my friends in a cinema while we waited for the movie to start (don't ask me why I kept my sunglasses on ). One of my friends started giggling and going "shhh!" as the movie began - at which point I replied quite loudly: "oh yeah, sorry - I forget how loud I'm talking with these sunglasses on."
When i was out with my housemates, we were pretty drunk and i managed to convince them that Barack Obama was my cousin LOL :S
Hahahaha, I had a class with a girl, and she was trying to make up an excuse for something (I can't remember what) and she says "I'm sorry! I couldn't hear you because my eyes were closed!"
I dont know what i usually say when "out of it" as people don't usually tell me. I do have a story about a mate though. He fell asleep so my other mate and i put his ipod in his ears full volume really loud music. He didnt even notice for 5 minutes but suddenly he pulled the ipod out and threw it across the room and shouted "shut up God". We looked at him but he was still asleep. Wierd dream i guess...
I've never been "out of it" since I'm always in control. I feel left out here. I wish I could lol over something I said too.
I know I've said stupid stuff but I can't remember it...and I'm pretty sure I don't sleep talk...however a couple days ago I was having a sleepover with my friend and we were both starting to fall asleep and she asked "Can you see yourself with *her boyfriend* in the future" and I'm like "yeah actually I can" and she was like "ummmm seriously?" But the thing is I've only met her boyfriend once and I barely know him so that would make no sense, the thing is i thought she had said this other guys name, when i figured it out we laughed for like 10 minutes. Yeah i know it's not really that great of a story..sorry
The only time I was seriously out of it was when I broke my right hand a second time but the doctors put it back together all wrong and had to redo the procedure...apparently, I took my Mom's ring finger in my hand and told her that I liked her engagement ring and want one like that myself. I was 5 that time. But it's my sister who tops the cake......last year...I was working quite late, around 2 or 3, and I heard my sister say something. I went to her room, because she often asks for water at night but when I went on to switch the light on, she catches my hand midway and starts shouting, I'll murder you witch, and that in Hindi. That scared my heart out of me. In the morning she remembered nothing. She still speaks in her sleep, but that was the only time she managed to scare me. lol
oh... scary. my aunt will scream in her sleep... like bloody-murder screaming. never heard it myself, but my mom told me about it. and the first year she was married, she was constantly scaring her husband.