I've decided to make my villain gay. He's a feminine male who is very dramatic and he's not at all stable. He's flirtatious and gets weird looks from most straight guys and is often rejected by other gay men. He's often angered when rejected regardless of the reason and will fly into a murderous rage. He hates women to frightening degree as he sees no use for them and sees them as petty lowly beings I should point out he's very narcissistic. He's also sadistic and a rapist. My concerns are that most homosexual readers might find him offensive. His personality is that he's mello dramatic and like I said before he has a very feminine personality this clip is an excellent description of him.
I don't think being Gay makes him offensive as much as his mysoginism and rapist tendancies. But if that's who he is, then that's who he is. I say go for it.
Being gay is the least of his problems. Now, if you're gonna imply that the reason he's so messed up is because he's homosexual, then you have a problem. Avoid that.
He's not messed up because he's gay. He had a sexual, physical, and verbally abusive mother which is the reason for his hatred towards women the other thing is that he grew up in a time where homosexuality was not well accepted so he grew to despise the world around him and began full filling his sexual desires with men by force.
some how i dont buy it yet, why would he abuse men more likely he would want power over women and revenge not ignore them
If he is indiscriminate in his desire to sexually subjugate others, don't make him gay or straight. There's no reason why he should be pigeon-holed either way if he's taking sex by force. That way you can avoid running foul of "gay men were abused in their youth" & "gays are promiscuous" stereotypes.
He's not indiscriminate hence why he finds women useless in his eyes since they can't satisfy him they aren't worth having around. Besides his narcissism is his most dominant trait and is actually the root of his promiscuous nature.
sorry but for me seems he has too much going on to make him real, abused by women yet he has his revenge on men, his unstable mentally, narcissistic and likes to flirt with men and has a feminine personality. Unless he has also multiple personality than sociologically speaking its impossible sexually, verbally and physically abused people have low opinion of themselves and fear that they were responsible for what happened, they are broken so i find it hard he will be narcissistic and wants to flirt, if such a person even spoke to other people it would be amazing. That he ignores women is also hard to grasp as why would he ignore if a woman was responsible for his pain and scars I dont find it offensive that he is gay but that you use sexually abused people in such a way and not try to understand them first
The overall idea sounds workable - whether you can pull it off depends on your writing. I think the 'stay away from stereotypes' is good advice. And if you make it clear that he is gay and had an abusive mother versus he's gay because he had an abusive mother, you'll be okay on that count.
I guess it depends on the story line and how he reacts in certain situations. However, with what you've written there are so many different issues that it makes him unbelievable. As others have said, stay away from the stereotypes and making being 'gay' an affliction due to psychological trauma and you should be politically correct. But then again I'm not part of the gay community. If you want to make sure find someone in that community and ask them if your villain is offensive to them.
I would recommend treading very lightly if you do this. Like everyone in the world, some LGBT people can be very sensitive to issues around rape/abuse & may be more likely to lash back against "how dare you ask me if it's okay for a gay person to be like that".
Oh Japanese anime, they're so disturbingly random sometimes... loved the crying mushrooms As for your character, to be honest it sounds like you're just trying your best to give him every single negative trait you can dream up - and it sounds like your character being gay is just the latest idea that popped into your head that you wanna include because, presumably, you see it as also a negative trait (whether consciously or not). Don't forget you're writing prose - you're not drawing manga or making an anime. The Japanese pull it off because of the genre of work they're working with - not everything translates well when put into a different medium. I don't even find this sorta crazily negative characters very interesting to watch even in anime - and I adore anime - so I can't imagine I'd ever wanna read a book on someone like this.
@ Mckk: The Japanese will never cease to amaze us with their weirdness. I have to agree with Bimber. I would think that if he was horribly abused by his mother, he'd take his anger out on other women, not men. Sure, he can beat them up if he wanted, but it would probably make more sense if the focus of his anger was toward other women, as one of them made his childhood a living a hell. Mckk is also correct. Writing manga/doing anime is vastly different from writing a book. If Inuyasha were instead a novel, it may not have appeared exactly as we saw in the anime/mangas. And, frankly, I don't find overly-pissed off characters with a vendetta against everything, and is an all-around dirtbag very interesting at all, regardless of what medium they were put in (see Anakin Skywalker from Attack of the Clones. He spent the whole movie being angry, complaining about the Jedi and Obi-Wan, and lusting after Padme.) Your guy seems flat to me. Does he have anything at all to make him appear more like an actual person? Interests? Hobbies? Does he genuinely like anyone? Would people find him offensive? Considering he's already a sexist, narcissistic, sadistic rapist; the physical embodiment of a complete dirtbag who should be jailed, making him gay might make him highly offensive. If you want to go down this road, you should proceed with caution.
When people think 'gay stereotype' a narcissistic, sadisitic, murdering rapist isn't the first thing that comes to mind. Besides, there's no reason someone like that couldn't be gay. So, no, I wouldn't find that offensive in the slightest. I don't see how anyone else could, either, but, then again, offence is a big industry these days.
Like many others, I would say that its not offensive...well, yeah it's OFFENSIVE because he's a rapist. Which is not a bad thing for a villain character in a story. Sexuality does not determine every part of a person's personality. But yes, you may insult people. However, if you're making a point, or just an interesting character, I don't see it as a problem at all.
Well, I'm not offended by this at all from a reader's stand point. Quite honestly, I don't care what a protagonist/antagonist's sexual preference is (watch Torchwood at some point... I was initially thrown off by the MC being gay because of how they threw it on the viewer but I'm over it and still like the show). If that's the main cause of your concern, I think your ok. However, if you over emphasize his traits - ie. if you make him TOO gay and TOO sadistic and TOO, well, EVERYTHING, then YES, people will get offended. Overall, I think you're too worried about what people will think then you are about actually writing (a problem I myself face...). Just write what comes to you, let your characters be who you want them to be and it will all come together! Best of luck!