Hello all, It just occurred to me that I haven't introduced myself to this forum yet. Opps. So after literally 4 years working on my first book on and off, and rewriting the first 10 chapters each time I did so, I'm now serious enough to learn more about this craft from you lovely people. It's also comforting knowing I'm not the only one trapped in this frustrating void. It has gotten to the point that I have every dialogue between characters circling around my head on a daily basis and if I don't write them down now I will develop an identity disorder. I'm a university student studying sociology, history and education so I incorporate a lot of what I learn into my fantasy writing (as well as a splash of philosophy for good measure). I've always been into writing, from poetry to sketch scripts, so I thought I would be a natural. Ha. Never been good at closing dialogue, so I'll close this post in a similar disappointing fashion. Cya all around!
Welcome to the forum @MMATaylor I hope you get some great feedback and information here. Best wishes.