Do you feel that writing is so much a part of yourself that you would consider it as a lifestyle choice?
Well, when I started writing more, my alcohol consumption increased as well as my time spent alone...
When I worked at University of Phoenix, we weren't allowed to do any activities that were part of our "lifestyle choice" at work. For instance, I wasn't allowed to color, do homework, or listen to music. However, no one ever said anything to me when I edited stories I was working on or started writing something new. Which I thought was interesting because yes, I do consider writing a lifestyle choice for myself. Coloring, on the other hand, not so was just something I did to pass time between phone calls.
I do sort of consider it a lifestyle choice, I guess. Sometimes it feels more like a necessity in life.
yes, for me it definitely was... a mother of 7 at the time, with five grown, but the last two only 4 and 10 years old, it was a major lifestyle change, to say the least... akin to taking a leap of faith off a cliff, with no bottom in sight, with the little ones strapped to my back! add to that, i had left husband and the grown kids on the opposite end of the country, to make a new life for the three of us, on the east coast...
Yes, I do. I see everything with a writer's eyes, looking for inspirations, plot ideas, characters in everything. It's just become part of who I am
No. For me, writing is a lifestyle enhancement, one that brings great satisfaction into an already full life. Does writing influence my daily acitivities? Yes. Do I find myself ruminating over plots and current projects. Yep. Like today; I took lunch alone today. Had a great steak fajita and a 5x7 notepad next to it. During that hour, I completely reorganized a current story to create better flow. That said, writing is not my entire life. Grandchildren, employees, business decisions, my wife, fishing with friends . . . I only need more hours in a day. LOL
I'd say it is. Considering I've given up the chance the study something a little more 'safe' at uni by studying creative writing, yes I think so. For a long time, it was just a hobby, as I only had one thing I was working on for years, but now I have expanded my horizon's, and I definitley consider it a lifestyle choice. If you took away writing (and music, come to think of it) I'd have very little substance
I'm with Saulty. We have been given the lives of the 'classic' writers in their memoirs, but... I don't think these kinds of lives are really available to the average person anymore. Society and culture and technology have moved forward since Virginia Wolff let us know about her inner pain. Sure, one can live a 'minimal life,' but that 'minimum' becomes less minimum with every passing moment. And, not to sound condescending, but the whole starving artist thing sounds really romantic and may well make for a great story, but it makes for a sodding miserable life! Personally, I would have a hard time writing if I knew that my pantry was empty and there was no paycheque coming with which to fill it. Jobs, kids, rent, mortgage, property taxes, life insurance, car insurance, cable bills, Friday night poker with the boys, trying to find 10 minutes to spend with your spouse - alone.... life. It happens. And it's a good thing.
Maybe not a lifestyle CHOICE, but certainly a very important part of my life that I partake in whenever I can. I think I'll probably have a lot less time to do so in college, but we'll see.