You read in the shower. You know how do dry out a book so the pages don't wrinkle after dropping it in the bathtub. You have maxed out your library card. You know the difference between a dragon and a wyvren. You read The Old Man and the Sea because you like it. You take a book with you on a three day backpacking trip. You can walk down the street while reading without running into anything because you have mastered the trick of watching for obstacles in your peripheral vision. You have taken the previous to new levels and do that while driving. What else do all of you have? Give it your best shot.
You take multiple books on weekend campouts. You can walk into a bookstore with your paycheck for the week and walk out broke. Your English teacher shakes his head when he sees you have a new book.
When the sides of the pages of the novel your reading is green from sweaty hands. When you cry and tell your friends its because a character is dead. When you walk into Barnes and Nobles and noticed you have every book in a section. (Happened to me lulz!)
When you have dreams about reading. When you spend almost all of your time on Oblivion (It's a game) reading the books (and not just to gain skills.)
When you keep reading for about 5 hours even though your supposed to be in bed or doing something else. When you do things just to read
Omg, I've done that one a few times. Okay, my shot at it .... when you send your mam to queue at Tesco at midnight to get the latest book out. when you spend weeks saving when you're little, just to buy a book. when you cancel a big party 'cos you only have a few chapters left to go. when you do not realise you are busting for a pee 'cos you have been that imerged in the book you are reading.
When you're looking for SPAG issues in the Bible. When you get mad at your mom for getting first shot at the newest Harry Potter book because she always takes weeks to finish it, when you could have it done and over with in a day, two at the most, and then hand it right back over. When you can name more science fiction authors than famous actors.
when you can quote things from books, giving their exact page number and line number. when you can name the dude who illustrated the front cover and more than halfthe books you've read.
When you rush through the last couple of chapters in the book you're reading just so you can move on to the next book sooner.
When you go to the movies to watch a horror film you automatically think the script is written by Stephen King
When you believe every book is a probable movie, in which you can see all of your characters alive and living... When you bring a book out to the mall to read while you're shopping... When you take 15 books and pile them up beside you in a nice neat stack, which would spill sooner or later, and sit near the children's section at the outer edge where there is a nice comfortable chair and start reading for six straight hours... Done all those, btw
Oops. Guilty. Also to the movie theater while waiting for the coming attractions. When you have no room for more bookcases, and you can't fit even half your collection in those bookcases.
When you are very pleased with yourself when you find 20 very cheap books at a charity shop. When the lady behind the till looks at you rather strangely when you come to pay for the 20 books.
... when you realise how small the list of books you have read is compared to how many books there are.
When you find yourself wondering where Hobbits live these days When you think getting on a bus without a book in a sin.
You're awesome, Cog. When you think that 99 libraries in the city isn't enough. (Toronto really does have that many)