You've been knocked unconscious. When you wake up, there's something over your eyes and you think you've gone blind until you come to your full senses and realize your eyes are just being blocked. What is your first thought? I've been searching around and nobody will state an actual thought, just "I'd panic, I'd call 911, and I'd cry." Those are actions, not thoughts
Shit, shit shit... I think moving my head side to side. I'd curse, a lot. Shiiiiiit!!! Then, with that out of my system, I'd immediately attempt to calm myself down. OK, OK, it's OK. You're not blind, not that it'd be a bad thing if you were blind, all right? Nothing wrong with being blind. Eyes are overrated. Acgh! Get to the point! You're not blind, you're blindfolded. Something is wrapping itself around your eyes, man! Assuming I was kidnapped... Well, senor, I do believe we are well and truly ****'d! OK, just do what they tell you, but show no fear. We will not give them that satisfaction. Assuming I was injured, and am now in a hospital... Ah, a hospital! <sighs> Home, sweet home, seems like. Well, you're safe now. Maybe something got into your eyes? I don't know. Well, just hang out here. That would likely be what I'd think. I just now realized I think as if I were talking to myself in my head, and referring to myself in the 'Royal We' sense. Wow, I'm crazed up, aren't I?
Thank you. The initial slew of swearing is what my mind was going for but I kept feeling like it was too...expected. Darkness... She knew here eyes were open, she felt them open, but she couldn't see. She closed her eyes and reopened them slowly, still only darkness. 'Shit, shit, ok....' That's the way I wrote it anyway.
I have always expected this would happen eventually. How many people's eyes can you gouge out before it comes back to bite you? I guess 34,989... (A specific character in mind here.)
Dammit they said this would happen if you jack off too much in a short period, shoulda listened to that. Oh Wait, my eyes are just blocked. Good then we know four isn't the magic numb wait- Why are my eyes blocked? Well this is quick a pickle, running is definitely not gonna happen today, gonna have to cancel some appointments. Oh dear God, guess I'm gonna have to find my phone. Holy Christ today is gonna be a pain in the ASS. Just a taste of my ADD
I never thought about such negative imagination although a writer have to imagine. I just will think about this event if I would like to write a story about such character.
2 things - firstly, wouldn't you FEEL something is over your eyes? In which case, your thoughts might go something like this: "Deep breath. For goodness' sake take a deep... breath... you're not blind, no. No, you're not. It's just a blindfold. Just a blindfold..." (heart rate and breathing would increase dramatically at this point) Secondly, and this will support why the thoughts of telling yourself it's a blindfold is logical - if she's being blindfolded, then she's probably also tied up. Thus she should feel pain in her joints and her wrists and she'll know her arms have been pulled behind her. This should be evidence enough that it is, indeed, a blindfold and not her gone blind. In any case there's not much point blindfolding someone against their will if you're not also gonna restrain them in some way.
I wouldn't think anything. I'd automatically touch my eyes before coming to a conclusion about being blind or wondering what has happened.
Can't you FEEL that something is over your eyes? (oh, Mckk beat me to this) If you couldn't, perhaps you would think you are in a dark place? If you can't see, why would your first thought be that you are blind, especially if you are not in pain? And very few accidents or illnesses would cause pain-free blindness resembling a blanket over your head. I would lie without moving, wondering what had happened. My first thought would be that I had been blindfolded, perhaps in a kidnapping, not that I was blind. BTW, I have woken up nearly blind after an allergic reaction to contact lenses, and I also have high myopia--I can tell you, my eyes were BURNING and since I panic that they will get worse, I stumbled to the bathroom and tried to peer into the mirror. My eyes (which are green) looked really weird: pale green and everywhere else fiery red, like I was in a horror movie. Actually, it is really unusual to have total blindness where everything is completely black.
You've hit the nail here. Unless you're playing a kid game involving a blindfold, it's pretty much... a) You're being kidnapped. b) You suffered an injury that required a blindfold. I don't know what else to say, because you pretty much summarized it all up!
I agree with the "most people do" wake up "blind." However, with story writing, if that's what you are talking about, which I'm guessing, there could be many scenarios for it and how your character reacts obviously. But what if one were actually blind? Not just waking up and suddenly finding themselves in a strange place with some sort of blindfold over their eyes. There are just to many ways a person could be blinded. By light, by darkness, by a blindfold...
First thought is not going to be that one is blind. It will be more 'remote' such as a total fracking, industrial strength solar/lunar/universal eclipse. So the first thought would probably be along the lines of, "God! It's dark in here. I can't see a damned thing." At that point, the purported victim would begin groping for a lamp or light switch. Switches would be flipped - probably more than once - as the realization that the darkness is internal and not external. He or she may even try to believe there is a problem with the light and grope for a second one, even to the point of believing there is a power problem. The denial is slow to be dispelled. With the light switch in the known "ON" position, hands would be waved in front of the face, eyes would be closed tightly then opened slowly in the naive expectation that the second (and possibly third and fourth) time around, the results would be different. Then, depending upon the person the degree of profanity used in vocal denial would range from mild to extreme as s/he begins to realize and argue against acceptance of the situation. The WTF moment. Gradually, full awareness would sink in and take over. After that the person would go one of two ways, either feel sorry for one's self or determine to fight back against the 'whatever' at the root of this affliction. As smart as human beings, as a whole, may be, we are a terribly stubborn lot by the very nature of our species. The protective mechanisms within our brains would kick in to insulate us from the shock of the situation. Our psyche would slow down the recognition of the reality and we would allow the truth to sink in in stages. THAT is the nature of the beast.
If i woke up blind my very first thought would be to start saying every curse word that i knew, then figure out how i am going to live my life as a blind person.
I was thinking the blindness was more an initial disjointed thought. Like this: The main character has been knocked out. When she wakes up, she opens her eyes and sees only pitch blackness. Still in a daze, the first thought to cross her mind is that shes blind. After a moment of regaining her senses, then she figures out she's lying on the ground blindfolded, tied up, and gagged. Personally, I've never been K.O'd, but I have woken up from anesthesia and bizarre thoughts aren't that out of place. The first surgery I woke up from was in a Catholic hospital. There was a window across from the bed with daylight shining through it and a rather large Virgin Mary statue sitting in the sill. I kid you not, my first thought was that I was dead and waking up in the afterlife. A few seconds later my senses came back and I realized that was not the case.
Real life..... You don't wake up after being knocked unconscious, you regain a level of consciousness. Answering questions such as "What's your name?" may not be answered. You may hear the question quite well and still not answer. The brain's rattled. Just the way grey matter works and doesn't work. But you state "come to your full senses.....And can't see." A bit of a conundrum don't you think? Something is keeping you from your most important sense. Sight! Is it a bag over your head preventing other senses from being used. Hearing? Smelling? Not sure about panic. Isn't that a mindless state of fear? Beyond the fight or flight reflex? Call 911? What's that from.....The "voodoo child's" comic relief line in Armageddon when the fat Hawaiian dude gets taken out by a space rock? With all seriousness aside..... It takes time to regain your senses. Soon you're aware of pressure and reality comes back. It's that annoying pressure. Pressure that used to painful and now, just annoying. Your thoughts move away to mealtime and the parole-board hearing just months away. Your the prisoner who's so ugly, other inmates only rape you with a bag over your head.
Hi, My first thought? Who turned out the damned lights?! After that the same as everyone else. Pain in head from being hit. Slow realisation that something was covering my eyes, followed by relief that I wasn't blind and alarm that I'd been kidnapped or what have you. By the way you probably wouldn't feel the blindfold at first. Not if you've woken up with it on. Your body has adjusted to it. It's like your clothes. You're used to wearing them so you don't really notice them until they move against your skin or until you consciously try to feel them. You'd feel the blindfold when you tried to open your eyes or move your eyebrows, and I assume the first thing you'd realise was that you were bound which would be what would alert you to the blindfold. Cheers, Greg.
Hi, My first thought? Who turned out the damned lights?! After that the same as everyone else. Pain in head from being hit. Slow realisation that something was covering my eyes, followed by relief that I wasn't blind and alarm that I'd been kidnapped or what have you. By the way you probably wouldn't feel the blindfold at first. Not if you've woken up with it on. Your body has adjusted to it. It's like your clothes. You're used to wearing them so you don't really notice them until they move against your skin or until you consciously try to feel them. You'd feel the blindfold when you tried to open your eyes or move your eyebrows, and I assume the first thing you'd realise was that you were bound which would be what would alert you to the blindfold. Cheers, Greg.
Hi, Also just a thought. It might be like the pot of petunias from hitchhikers as it discovered it was falling. It's thought - "Oh no, not again!" Cheers, Greg.