Ok.... so the company I work for has just had 2 of the higher ups demoted and replaced with somebody who is going to take over both of their duties.... and I know that they want this guy to help bring down costs and save money. Now mind you I work in the oilfield, so we put in a butt load of hours, at least 120 a week. I am a supervisor so I am not paid hourly I am paid salary so this change doesn't effect me, but it does my guys. I am asking yalls opinion on this change.... to see if it is even legal Ok.. so we are on a 3 week on, one week off rotation. The pay period and the days off period (used to be) sunday to Saturday. But this new guy changed the days off from wes to tues.... but didn't change the pay period..... so my guys are missing out on a whole lot of overtime that they deserve... because on the week they go off, they only work 3 days... then the week they come back on they only work 4... I know this change was only put in place to bring down overtime... but I don't see it being fair... why start your work week.... in the middle of the pay period... and why stop your work week in the middle of the pay period... I think its..... criminal at best... is it just me???
Yeah, this is something to take up with your union. At least, all the oil and rig workers I know, there's loads around here, are part of the union. Keeps shit from happening, usually.
This kind of thing smells like tyranny, especially when it's the most profitable industry in America.
So I'm assuming when you say oil worker you don't work for a large company or you work for a contractor? I just can't imagine an oil worker not belonging to a union.
My wife and I were just going on about stuff like this. I read recently that the top 85 richest people have the equivalent wealth of the bottom half of the planet. Wealth (85 top)=(3,000,000,000 bottom) And it's moves like you just described that will keep pushing this number further along.
Federal law determines how overtime is calculated, and I don't think it would allow this sort of game-playing. Check the Department of Labor's website. On the other hand, remember what radio talk show host Bruce Williams used to say: "Everybody loves a whistleblower. Nobody hires one."