Damn Roommate...

By mugen shiyo · Jun 6, 2011 · ·
  1. How to piss someone off because they pissed you off... depends on how close to them you are. If your source of irritation is your roommate or someone who happens to share the same household as you, allow yourself a moment to giggle as you think of them freaking out from something you did.

    Or better yet, why imagine...

    Simply wait till they are the shower, sneak in the bathroom, and rub a fresh onion on his towel. They can shower five times after that, but it's kinda like blood alcohol content...it's only going away with time.

    There's also the replacing the shampoo of theirs with elmers glue. If you want them to be confused for a while, go a step further and buy food coloring that looks like the shampoo and mix some of the shampoo in it for that shampoo smell. Either way, the results are hair raising...


  1. Kontrast
    evil!!!! and fun!!!! I did something rather obnoxious way back when I had a roommate- she was a neat FREAK and hated anything being out of order- so every once in awhile I would walk over to her book shelf and pull a book out half way. Even if she was in the middle of studying she would stop- glare at me- and then run over to the book shelf and shove the book back in. good times!
  2. mugen shiyo
    Lol. Was it OCD? I would have bought a pad of sticky notes and posted them all over the walls and furniture :p
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