
  1. Videos on Writing Craft

    Every now and then I run across a video I really like about writing and I try to figure out where on the board or my blog I can post it. So I'm making this thread. Ok wow, I guess that covers it. Here:

    Three verbs per sentence, and contrast:

    Spend Five Thousand hours revising your novel??!
    To become a better writer you must change...
  2. The Cost of Intergalactic Nutrition

    "Luckily up here we only have to stop the vortex machine and introduce a disinfecting agent.

    I am told they have to divert the flow downstairs during this process and all of our production is for non resale only.

    For a full 24 hours, he bars that are designated ‘for charity only’;

    Even then we rarely have enough for local distribution.

    Regardless of the regulation put down from the top, word always gets out some how.

    Many of the lower level personnel are from the local slums, some of...
  3. Best Laid Plans

    Spoke to my psychiatrist a few days ago about wanting to study English. She recommended me not to at this stage, which I understand. But I still find it a bit sad.

    When I first got sick, they told me that the university would still be there when I got better. That was about eight years ago. Now it feels like a distant dream or something that may never happen again.

    I loved the university days that I attended. To explore English with like-minded enthusiasts was exhilarating. I was good at...
  4. A Year-long Project Ahead

    Don't you smell something when you see the picture above?

    I smell fun.

    All eleven of these are Nintendo DS consoles. The original, very first model that released in 2004. They look sooooo funky in comparison to the later, thinner models! People call it the "Phat" model for a reason.

    I've said elsewhere in the forum that I collect these and fix them up. I usually just browse eBay and buy them individually whenever a good deal comes up. This...
  5. An Idea for Dealing with Crime and Gangsters

    Hit them over the head with an electrified morning star (a type of modernized medieval weapon) and conscript them into an auxiliary armed service.

    Gangsters in Sweden, I believe, are resourceful haters of normality. They seek the life they do, not necessarily because of poverty, but because they want to live on the edge. They want to feel powerful and relevant.

    In our big society, feeling relevant can be a difficult achievement. There are millions of people who all seek their way in life....
  6. Round Two

    In the summer of last year, I made this blog post, in which I wrote this paragraph:

    Today is my last day in Greece.

    It's a painful sentence for me to write (or think about). Every summer, it's the same story. Get excited about going home to Greece for the summer, and get literal nightmares as the days grow nearer and nearer to the time where I am to go back to the UK to continue my studies.
    This summer,...
  7. How we did it Back in the Day (writing and editing stories before word processors)

    Classic Story Patchups 01
    by Darkmatters, on Flickr

    Here's a pile of stories from my Tony & Kurt folder. Marvel at the variety of different kinds of paper, with very different left edges in particular. Some on typing paper or binder paper, which has a nice straight factory-cut edge on it, and some torn violently...
  8. The Synthesizing Imagination—Working Out my own Understanding of Coleridge's Concepts

    In which Xoic the Mighty attempts to disambiguate and disseminate Coleridge's ideas concerning the Fancy and the Imagination (two different kinds).
  9. First jokes

    This took me roughly 45 mins to write these jokes. This is my first attempt at writing basically anything. Let me know what you think and how you think I could make them better.

    Do you give a shit what happens to your body after you die? Fuck that I don’t. Bury me, cremate me, cook me and feed me to the neighbors, I don’t care. Shove a stick up my ass and wield me around like a puppet for a goof at Halloween time

    I like how enough people have choked themselves to death while jerking...
  10. One Piece...Is Really Getting Bad (SPOILERS)

    The decline of One Piece is surreal...

    This was something I used to hold up as one of the ultimate examples of worldbuilding. Now...I'm embarrassed by it as I retroactively analyze the story from as far back as Marineford.

    While my love for this series has always been declining and I definitely has some breaking points during Wholecake and Wano...I always wanted the story to get better. The start of Egghead seemed promising because there seemed to be actual momentum with the...
  11. The Quest to Be an Original Writer With New, Innovative Ideas?

    In short, I never want to be one of those who not only discourages an exploration into novelty, but decides to mock and ridicule a person for it.

    However, there is sense in caution. Possibility vs probability...

    Is it possible to create a new idea that no one has heard of? Yes. Is it probable? Probably not.

    For some the quest to be an original writer with new, innovative ideas can be all-consuming and ends up draining your will to write anything because it's too close to being...
  12. Let There Be Poiesis

    Wherein fever'd poetry blooms once again upon my blog
  13. Reading Tracker 2024

    I am now at 82% of my goal! I have read or listened to 41 books out of 50! We're almost there! So far I have dipped my toes into newer horror titles, Ray Bradbury, Orson Wells, Terry Prachett, Sarah J Maas, to name a few. It's been a great summer of reading so far, and I wonder how many I'm going to end up hitting before I get to the end of the year Always exciting!
  14. Do you have a muse?

    I believe I killed mine somehow. But I am planning to resurrect her. Perhaps I need to do some occult rituals and make a prominent sacrifice to bring her back.

    You know, the one that drives you forward. Where words and ideas seem to flow like a tsunami from your creative mind. I've had such periods and they're pure ecstasy. I long to be there again.

    I have the ideas, many of them. But the words remain mostly stuck, plastered to the insides of my head. There they rummage around for a way...
  15. The Stanislavski System and Method Acting


    One of the most important tenets that led to Chris Claremont's success as a writer was the fact that he was trained in acting. I've been trying to find anything online where he talks about what type or style of acting he studied, but so far haven't been able to. But I believe it must be some variation of the famous Stanislavsky System (which in the US has a...
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