
  • The Superhero Mega-thread

    [CENTER][IMG]!/fw/1120[/IMG][/CENTER] I'm doing research now on the [B]Logan[/B] and [B]Jessica Jones[/B] analyses, and I've read a bit of the book detailing the connection with mythology. I'll use this thread just to talk about general ideas concerning superheroes as I work through all of this. I don't know the origin stories of many superheroes, but the ones I do all began with trauma. [B]Superman[/B] and [B]Batman[/B] both lost their parents as children (Superman lost his entire planet). At first I thought [B]Spiderman[/B] didn't...
  • Logan Analysis

    [CENTER][URL=''][IMG][/IMG][/URL] [/CENTER] Scuffed shoes in closeup tell almost the whole story—things are very much 'run down at the heels' for [B][I]Logan[/I][/B] these days, Plus the way he holds his feet and walks, more a pained shuffle than the spirited gait we expect from his earlier appearances. This is not the Logan we’re used to. His hair is all messed up, and he seems to be drunk or half asleep. Plus right here at the very beginning we see one claw won't come out all the way. Going into a fight and he can't get it...
  • The Nature of Human Nature

    Since a profound [I]Humanity[/I] turned out to be the connecting factor in all of my favorite superhero stories, it only makes sense to move to the next question—[B][SIZE=5]what exactly is it that makes us human?[/SIZE][/B] It just so happens this morning YouTube dropped both of these videos into my feed: [CENTER][MEDIA=youtube]_cM-q1dzBmE[/MEDIA] [MEDIA=youtube]So7X2huT1ho[/MEDIA] [/CENTER]
  • One Of My Biggest Regrets

    A tribute to the Nintendo DS, and that one friend from elementary.
  1. One Of My Biggest Regrets

    A tribute to the Nintendo DS, and that one friend from elementary.
  2. Logan Analysis

    Scuffed shoes in closeup tell almost the whole story—things are very much 'run down at the heels' for Logan these days, Plus the way he holds his feet and walks, more a pained shuffle than the spirited gait we expect from his earlier appearances. This is not the Logan we’re used to. His hair is all messed up, and he seems to be drunk or half asleep. Plus right here at the...
  3. The Superhero Mega-thread


    I'm doing research now on the Logan and Jessica Jones analyses, and I've read a bit of the book detailing the connection with mythology. I'll use this thread just to talk about general ideas concerning superheroes as I work through all of this.

    I don't know the origin stories of many superheroes, but the ones I do all began with trauma. Superman and Batman both lost their...
  4. The Nature of Human Nature

    Since a profound Humanity turned out to be the connecting factor in all of my favorite superhero stories, it only makes sense to move to the next question—what exactly is it that makes us human? It just so happens this morning YouTube dropped both of these videos into my feed:

  5. Netflix Daredevil Analysis—The Dual Self

    The Dual Self
    At the simplest level a superhero is two different people because they have a secret self (the superhero). They live as an ordinary human being, and also as a crusader for justice who has special abilities.

    In the eighties, like many aspects of superhero comics, this idea got upgraded. I don’t know where it first...
  6. Aliens From Outer Within

    or: Same Species-Wide Angst Leading to Rejection of Humanism, Different Name

    I've timestamped the discussion. It's not about who says it. It just happens to be quite illustrative.

    “I think it's possible they operate in the space of ideas for example. Ideas could be aliens. Feelings could be aliens. Consciousness itself could be aliens.”

    Lex is further along the evolutionary path than most alien contact believers. He's wisely given up on there...
  7. I sacrificed fiction for non-fiction...

    I once wanted to write fictional worlds full of stories but then I read real stories- seeking inspiration- and realized the real world was faaaaaar more interesting than fiction. That ultimately, all fictional worlds are just shadows of the real world.

    So I decided to stop writing fiction and become a journalist and historian of sorts. In the same way that a youtuber would pour through the cryptic data to reveal some subtle plot with deep implications in the story...I wanted to understand...
  8. Crafting Horror


    I've been taking a lot of notes. I haven't even been able to interact with the site much since I've...just been taking notes.

    I felt that creation begins with an idea, but I wanted it to be unique. Like Lovecraft, I wanted something to push the boundary. Yes, everyone says there's nothing new under the sun. They're wrong. There's nothing new that they know of. Just like, before Lovecraft, there probably wasn't anything much like what he wrote. Maybe some things that...
  9. Questions that Keep Giving No. 1

    There is no such thing as a stupid question, but some questions are post-Thanksgiving-prandial stuffed with implication. I swear the most telling sentences end with a question mark.

    Saw this on the Red-it. I don't have an account, though, so I'll have to circle-herk about it here instead.

    The expedient answer is standard fare: write characters until they're something like the ones in all the books you've read. You at least have...
  10. Looking into Cormac McCarthy

    I've read most of Child of God, that I found when I was researching the Lyrical Novel. I intend to finish it soon, just haven't got back to it yet. It's pretty harsh and brutal, and the only redeeming quality I can find so far is the language, which is often beautiful and indeed poetic.

    A few days ago—I forget what prompted me—but I bought the Kindle version of The Road and started reading it. It feels even more poetic, and...
  11. Hello Predator—Meet Prey! You'll get along famously

    Finally I've found a good and fairly comprehensive video on this subject, something I've tried many times to elaborate on throughout this blog. Iain McGilchrist seems to be just about the only scientist concentrating on this subject today, aside from some low-key research groups doing studies nobody ever hears about (unless they look into McGilchrist's work). He's its popularizer, the way Carl Sagan and...
  12. Time, time, time

    On our neighborhood walks my wife and I used to walk past a big old deciduous tree (as I recall, though it may have been a pine). A couple years back, though, it dropped its biggest branch and some others in a storm, and the property owners had it removed. All of it, stump and all. This year when we walked past that spot, there is absolutely no indication that the tree was ever there. Once the next generation of property owners move in, no one will recall that tree.

    It existed, but now...
  13. A Phantom for My Opera?

    Some days when I doubt myself and my abilities to write I think of employing a ghost writer. But in a bit of a different setup. I will write the first draft and then the potential ghost writer can refine it to a readable/enjoyable state.

    I love storytelling, and I love the creative process. But my produce just isn't up to par most of the time.

    Training is like trying to teach an old dog new tricks. I read, I watch, I practice... I learn? Yeah, sometimes I do learn.

    But I will continue to...
  14. The Desperate Search for a New Idea...

    I think I have it...

    Not a truly different idea in that it's completely unheard of on any level..

    But I had quit story-telling for a while because I couldn't think of something genuinely new and interesting. Different in terms of style, structure, and idea. As a fiction writer...I tend to want to create something. To flex my imagination rather than offering stylistic renditions of the same types of stories.

    Only problem is...I think I will never complete it in time.

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