
By Wreybies · Jul 18, 2014 · ·
  1. Are traps.
    obsidian_cicatrix likes this.


  1. obsidian_cicatrix
    Care to embellish some? :D
      Wreybies likes this.
  2. Wreybies
    It's an idea I've been giving a lot of thought to lately. In a large way, it was part of my literary epiphany the other day when running when my resolution for Marco came to me. It had everything to do with definitions and their necessarily arbitrary nature given that they are an artifact of humans. Definitions are like a drug. And not a passive drug like weed, but the kind of drug that leads to unawares dick-sucking in public restrooms. Arbitrary definitions are what has my country looking like a psychotic mess and what caused The Troubles in your country. As science looks more and more into how life functions and evolves, we discover that the lines between plant and fungus and animal have much more to do with arbitrary pencil marks and less to do with what is really happening at the increasingly hazy borders between those kingdoms. Maybe it's just the time in my life where I am seeing how much lies outside the definitions I was taught and how much of that stuff on the other side looks very, very interesting.

    It's just a thing I've been thinking out in the woods, machete in hand. It's amazing how getting into your body can free up your mind from its own entanglements.
      KaTrian likes this.
  3. obsidian_cicatrix
    Two things that ring like a bell for me:

    I find I've been doing quite a lot of musing on this myself of late. My perception of life is very different to the one that was put to me as a child. I like my version better. ;)

    It's one of the reasons I love camping—Belly dancing too for that matter—Me vs The Great Outdoors. That and physical effort frees up the mind. No distractions, just me and my thoughts. I could do with a lot more of it, if I'm honest. Now that my daughter's passed her driving test, I might just revert to pencil and paper and get her to drop me and my rucksack off in the backside of beyond.
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