The First Finals

By Aurica · Jan 12, 2008 · ·
  1. I would really like to know who came up with the concept of finals. It is just a pure torture device to students. The only reason that I am ranting about this is because I have my very first set of finals next week for three days. Health, Algebra, Science, Choir, French, and English. I am already freaking out about ALL of them. Of course, the teachers aren't really helping with it either...okay, just my stupid frickin science teacher. She hasn't even given us a study guide yet, and every other teacher has. I really dislike her.

    On a happier note:), I've officially started the first chapter of my, probably thousandth story in two years. I think, and pray, and hope, that this one might actually stick this time. Considering the one I posted, I'm not that into. *sigh* The obstacles of a writer. See, I rarely have any trouble with writers block, I just have WAYYY too many ideas, and not enough time I guess. This one is following the general genre of a lot of my other stories, *drum roll*, FANTASY. HHHHUUUUUUUGGGGGEEEEEE surprise. Not really though.

    Also, another happy note I am almost halfway done with my freshmen year of high school.YEA!!!!:D I am looking to forward to three months of freedom already. Aside from the six or nine weeks of summer gym I will be taking to avoid running the mile during the school year. I am looking forward to my sophmore year so much. One of the main reasons is, creative writing class I'm going to take. Plus philosophy, psycology, or humanities whichever one I am taking. I don't even know how to spell them.

    Okay, I'm through ranting for tonight, until next time.


  1. Ferret
    I dunno, Finals have saved my butt more times than I can count.
    Lucky, the closest thing my school has to creative writing is newspaper. If I wanna take anything interesting, I'm stuck with Japanese. Well, Freshman year sucked for me. I'm rather happy with the ways things are going now.
  2. Milady
    I feel for ya. Luckily for me, I only have to take one exam this semester, Algebra II, but it has me worried. My parents are on the warpath if I can't pull up my grade to an A... (they expect me to be a genius, I guess...)

    And my school doesn't have creative writing OR newspaper, so I envy you both. :p
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