A study on Clive Barker part 32, On Jerusalem Street. (Books of Blood final story)

By OJB · Jan 20, 2018 · ·
  1. Ladies and Gentlemen, we've made it to the last story in Clive Barker's Books of Blood short story collection. Today we will be looking at the epilogue story, On Jerusalem Street.

    The epilogue is only a few pages long and tells of the last moments of McNeal, the young man from the first story whose body the ghost carved with stories into. He's been tracked down by a man by the name of Wyburd, who plans on flaying McNeal and turning his skin into an actual book.

    Wyburd kills and skins McNeal, but before he can reap his award, the ghost return and seek their revenge on him.

    In the afterlife, McNeal and Wyburd walk side by side down the highway of the dead. A fitting ending to this collection of stories.

    This concludes my look at Clive Barker's Books of Blood. I've learned a lot from this series, and it has inspired me to write my own, small collection of short stories. I look forward to what other things Clive Barker can teach me as I continue to work through his canon.

    The next work of Clive Barker's we will be looking at will be his first novel, The Damnation Game.

    If you have a thought or a question, please leave a like or comment!

    Previous post: https://www.writingforums.org/entry/a-study-on-clive-barker-part-31-the-last-illusion.64182/
    Next Post: https://www.writingforums.org/entry/a-study-on-clive-barker-part-33-the-damnation-game-prologue.64193/
    Seven Crowns likes this.


  1. badgerjelly
    Clive Barker ... what is your favourite novel of his?
      OJB likes this.
  2. OJB
    Hello Badger, since I've not read all of his works, I can't answer that; however, of the works I've read, my favorite so far is 'The Hellbound Heart.'
  3. badgerjelly
    I've never read his earlier stuff. One day I should take a look.
      OJB likes this.
  4. Raydee8
    I love every Barker book written (even the Abarat series was good for what it was) although my least favorite was perhaps Coldheart Canyon (even though I still read it twice lol) My all time forever favorite will be the sprawling Imajica. I’ve read it many times. Then The Great & Secret Show and the following Everville, Weaveworld and I did like the Damnation Game (even though there’s a pretty nasty scene in it I will never forget, blood doesn’t bother me, just other....functions...‍♀️) I found it to be inescapably dark, like Peter Straub’s Shadowland. One thing I haven’t done is read all of his Books of Blood. Read I think the first three....thank you for giving me reading material :D
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