After 2 or so years....

By Kontrast · Jun 13, 2011 · ·
  1. My best friend from college decided to contact me. Its so...awkward because we used to be close (we once passed out in the same bed together, and neither of us felt uncomfortable about it). I hate talking on the phone, and she isn't on Facebook that often, so we have agreed to use email as our primary contact. But what do you say to someone you hardly know anymore? And (I feel ashamed of myself for saying this but) is it even worth it?

    I know we've both changed/matured since then and I don't know if we're still compatible as friends. I can count my real friends on one hand because I'm just not that social and never have been. I think I'll just be friendly and casual about it and see how she responds. After all, "it takes two" as they say!


  1. CottonCandi
    I think it would be cool to try it. What do u have to lose?
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