Damn, this is depressing.

By exweedfarmer · Sep 1, 2020 · ·
  1. Sometimes, ( frequently) I think I should just hang it up. I am never going to be able to write consistently interesting stories. That's because I don't know what other people find interesting. I don't understand people and never have. They don't seem to be interested in anything other than what is good to eat or feels pleasant when rubbed. Maybe I'm just feeling my age. I want to go patch some drywall. At least I know I'm good at that.


  1. Friedrich Kugelschreiber
    Is everyone you know a hedonist?
      Not the Territory likes this.
  2. GrahamLewis
    I wondered where you had been. I hope you don't "hang it up" and, being a writer, I'm reasonably sure you never will. I recall your writing as interesting, and would suggest that you look more closely at what interests you and write about that; all the rest of us are human like you, and at least some of us would likely share your interests.

    Even patching drywall. I bet mudders have some interesting perspectives. I remember chatting some with the ones who worked on our bathroom walls.
  3. talltale
    Write to fulfill your need for a creative outlet and not to appease the masses. Be proud of your original thoughts. Besides, some people see the world the same as you do. You're not THAT original :bigwink:
      EFMingo likes this.
  4. ISalem
    You don’t need to write about what interests people. You don’t even need to know what interests people and what doesn’t. All you need to do is just to write about what interests YOU. You need to know what interests you most and just start writing about. Thats all what writing about. At the end of the day, the world has people who have the same interests as you and would be happy to read your writing. Welcome to the writing world. Enjoy writing:)
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